Sub Cool Soil Recipe ( Bugs ) Help ??????


IceWater Mephisto x2 ( Journal )
Mar 2, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Blackberry Kush
Hey Thanks for checking out my post fairly new to this forum already really like it and have learned lots.
I have recently potted 6 seedlings in soil i kept in a rubbermaid in my basement . I was just looking at the little babies and noticed lots of SUPER TINY LITTLE BUGS having a party in there I could almost see the beer bongs and stereo system lol obv jk . So i wonder if i try and wipe them out or toss the soil i do have new soil thats in a bag other room. I don't want them to become a problem later in this run especially when im not sure what these bugs are they look super tiny and where walking around . Im guessing Thrips but have no idea , I've only ever got thrips so im thinking its more than likely them. What do you guys think would love to hear your thoughts ??? Also forgot to mention i do have Safely end all soap and also have some neem oil kicking around . Always seem to be getting thrips no matter what i do ): :)
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.... look up Soil mites Ice', I bet that's what they are,..just in/on the soil, maybe the pot, but not on the plant really, if that's them; they're a harmless type mite in this case, but they can be a nuisance in huge numbers,.. usual mite killers can be used to knock down the population,...
I'm not sure about bugs @Waira is the man around these parts but I'll tell ya I got a sample of some Sierra natural science organic pesticides and repellant I used on my outdoor veggies and roses and it worked like a champ. May want to check them out
.... look up Soil mites Ice', I bet that's what they are,..just in/on the soil, maybe the pot, but not on the plant really, if that's them; they're a harmless type mite in this case, but they can be a nuisance in huge numbers,.. usual mite killers can be used to knock down the population,...
The PLants just pop'd up there on day 2 of life there autos . should i google mites ? or is there somewhere on here to read up on it ?
on it ... a have a magnify glass im goin to have to break out on these buggers lol so i can get a better look at them . The appear to be brown and super tiny and are walking around .
goog' it,...

Not sure if you have heard of this product Safers End All Soap ..... I have used them for thrips before I figure I still am not 100% on what they are but I am a 100% sure I don't want these plants getting bothered by them . So I mixed up some and put them in a sprayer and hit the pots and top of soil with a nice fine soapy mist. I will be looking closely tomorrow to see what is going on .
To days after hitting first application of Safers end all soap babies look happy and bugs are a no show so far , hitting another application today at some point and will be keep a close look on things. After third application I am thinking of applying diaticmious earth food grade sorry on the spelling I know that's not correct ( :
:amazon:-- mites can be freakishly tough against some products! I'll have to look this one up and see what's in it,... keep our eye peeled, I'm not sure eggs are susceptible, or how deep the mites can dive into the soil,... :biggrin: yeah, diatomaceous earth is a spelling bee test word for sure- LOL! ...great product, it's a "mechanical" killer, not a chemical per se,... diatoms (and others) are single cell algae that form shell-like structures around their bodies, made mostly of SiO2--glass! Very spikey, jagged at the micro scale, it desiccates as the tender spots on the bugs get cut or pierced and they basically bleed out.... To apply use a course wire strainer or something like that- it's like powdered sugar...about 1/8"+ deep is fine, and watering will slosh it around some, but that's fine in this case,...