
Jun 18, 2019
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Hello everyone, this is my first post on this website and i would really aprecciate your help. This Royal Dwarf auto from RQS is just starting its 5th week, im confident it is stunted, probably because of the 32 celcius on her first week of life. Now the minisplit is programmed to keep the temps between 23-26 and she is starting to grow quicker. What do you think? Is she gonna be able to recover well o is it a lost case?
Extra Info:
600 watt LED
Fox Far Ocean Forest ( germinated in papaer towel and then directly to soil)
No nutes yet
Started LST a few days ago
RH at 45-50%
20/4 light cycle

Thanks in advance to everyone!


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If the new growth is healthy the plant will survive.
I'll be surprised if it fails.
That ffof by itself gives autos a bit of a hard time in my opinion it’s a little too hot for them I also noticed you said it was a dwarf in the strain name so it might not get too big. Looks a little behind but not too bad you still have a ways to go as well though so be patient and don’t over do anything like when you feed and water but you should be fine
I have a similar issue with a pineapple gum(blackskull seeds) shes nearly week 5, very small and just thrown out her first white hairs, compared to my blueberry shes quite little

2nd picture blueberry is in from piney is at the back of blue


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Thanks for the replies, i'm planning on giving her a 1/4 dose of Top Veg by Top Crop, to see if it helps her grow a bit faster, but im worried because she's still small and maybe she has not cosumed all of the nutes the ocean forest soil has.
The plant looks pretty darn good. Hey, she might be the come back kid. Just never know. It may not be the big harvest you desired, but it will more than likely yield something decent at least.
I am close to finishing two stunted plants that both popped up in the same direction and with both missing their left cotyledon. It went downhill from there. I'll be lucky to get a half ounce dry for each. I don't mind as I was having a little fun playing around with them throughout the grow. Lots o' luck.
That ffof by itself gives autos a bit of a hard time in my opinion it’s a little too hot for them I also noticed you said it was a dwarf in the strain name so it might not get too big. Looks a little behind but not too bad you still have a ways to go as well though so be patient and don’t over do anything like when you feed and water but you should be fine

I'm finishing up my first indoor grow, and I've been battling problems with FFOF. Several plants got a mix of Coco Loco and FFOF, and I've had fewer problems with those ones than the plants put in pots with straight FFOF.

Lots salts and PH problems.

I'm may continue to use FFHF for starting seedlings, but I won't be buying any more FFOF. I'm going LOS, but even if you don't want to go that route, just get some sphagnum peat moss, good compost, and aeration. You'll save money and have a better soil.
I'm finishing up my first indoor grow, and I've been battling problems with FFOF. Several plants got a mix of Coco Loco and FFOF, and I've had fewer problems with those ones than the plants put in pots with straight FFOF.

Lots salts and PH problems.

I'm may continue to use FFHF for starting seedlings, but I won't be buying any more FFOF. I'm going LOS, but even if you don't want to go that route, just get some sphagnum peat moss, good compost, and aeration. You'll save money and have a better soil.
Yeah I was noticing a lot of problems with the ffof as well I switched to promix hp and I am loving it so far much easier to administer nutes and such they grow a lot faster as seedlings in the promix as well. I think the promix is a soilless peatmoss medium. What is los ??
Living Organic Soil. Trying to go water only (aside from compost teas and top dressing) in my next grow.