Stunted Autos Day 28~


Herbalist High-Grade Specialist
Jan 19, 2020
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Hello Everyone I have 2 Taomatics that are quite stunted for their age of around 28 days due to soil conditions (in native soil) and weather conditions (been very cloudy almost every day for like 2 weeks). Just wondering if I will still be to turn this plant around by flowering. Im using Miracle Gro All Purpose and Bloom Booster to try to get my first harvest (ive attempted but never made it to harvest).
:eek1: ... these are 28 days old? Huh, well this level of development for that age is a first for me mate!
Until temps warm up, things will stay slow, and more feeds will not help. Be careful with the MG fert's, those are strong, and can be harsh on them...
They look OK otherwise, so let them run for now,....
I’d let them run for now but I doubt you’re going to get much off of them. Hate to be a Debbie Downer but you’re almost 1/2 way through a typical Auto cycle and you only have 1 node. IF it were me (and of course it’s not) I would pop some new beans. I would start them in solo cups or similar sized containers and a good starting mix or start them using rooting cubes and then go to 6” pots with a good bagged potting soil. Start them outside so they’re acclimatized but then them off to a good start before moving them to native soil. Just my opinion.

Do you know anything about your native soil? I mean, have you grown anything (even veggies) in it successfully? Have you ever had it tested? Is it well-draining or is it heavy with clay? Unless you just got lucky and happen to have perfect cannabis soil, you’ll probably need to do some amending to your native. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t grow like a weed, in any dirt you put it in. Autoflowers aren’t even a naturally occurring variety - not what we’re planting, anyway. They’re a man-made variety so they’re even less likely to flourish in just anything you drop it in. You’ll want well draining soil. At least an area big enough for your plant to get started in. I’d say an area about 2 gallons sized. The roots can venture out from there. Also, clear away the grass and weeds in an 18-20” wide circle. If you drop an auto that you started in a small container into that prepared spot, you’ll stand a better chance, imo.

I highly suggest you go find @autobeast ‘s tutorials and read them. Particularly his trick of making “instatransplant” pots. He has some easy tricks that’ll really help you out. When I start plants in solo cups I use a razor blade to make about 5 vertical slices in the cup When I want to remove the plant. This way I can peel the solo cup off without turning the plant upside down or banging on it or all the stuff one usually does to remove a plant from a container. Be gentle and/or use those instatransplant pots and you won’t get any shock.

I could tell you to just go with what you’ve got but why risk the chance of disappointment? Start some more, with a little better technique, and you’ll only be 30 days behind. If you wait until that stunted girl finishes, and THEN start again, you’ll be 70+ days behind. Just my advice. At 28 days I would expect to see 8 nodes at least. One node above your first true leaf is just too stunted.:grump:
youll be surprised.... alot may be going on under the surface!
:eek1: ... these are 28 days old? Huh, well this level of development for that age is a first for me mate!
Until temps warm up, things will stay slow, and more feeds will not help. Be careful with the MG fert's, those are strong, and can be harsh on them...
They look OK otherwise, so let them run for now,....
It was killed by pill bugs unfortunately... I have no idea what was going on with it because I planted two new ones and put native soil in a pot instead of directly in the ground and they're growing WAY faster than those did
It was killed by pill bugs unfortunately... I have no idea what was going on with it because I planted two new ones and put native soil in a pot instead of directly in the ground and they're growing WAY faster than those did
glad you have some more girls on the go and I'm sending you :vibe:positive grow vibes
I’d let them run for now but I doubt you’re going to get much off of them. Hate to be a Debbie Downer but you’re almost 1/2 way through a typical Auto cycle and you only have 1 node. IF it were me (and of course it’s not) I would pop some new beans. I would start them in solo cups or similar sized containers and a good starting mix or start them using rooting cubes and then go to 6” pots with a good bagged potting soil. Start them outside so they’re acclimatized but then them off to a good start before moving them to native soil. Just my opinion.

Do you know anything about your native soil? I mean, have you grown anything (even veggies) in it successfully? Have you ever had it tested? Is it well-draining or is it heavy with clay? Unless you just got lucky and happen to have perfect cannabis soil, you’ll probably need to do some amending to your native. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t grow like a weed, in any dirt you put it in. Autoflowers aren’t even a naturally occurring variety - not what we’re planting, anyway. They’re a man-made variety so they’re even less likely to flourish in just anything you drop it in. You’ll want well draining soil. At least an area big enough for your plant to get started in. I’d say an area about 2 gallons sized. The roots can venture out from there. Also, clear away the grass and weeds in an 18-20” wide circle. If you drop an auto that you started in a small container into that prepared spot, you’ll stand a better chance, imo.

I highly suggest you go find @autobeast ‘s tutorials and read them. Particularly his trick of making “instatransplant” pots. He has some easy tricks that’ll really help you out. When I start plants in solo cups I use a razor blade to make about 5 vertical slices in the cup When I want to remove the plant. This way I can peel the solo cup off without turning the plant upside down or banging on it or all the stuff one usually does to remove a plant from a container. Be gentle and/or use those instatransplant pots and you won’t get any shock.

I could tell you to just go with what you’ve got but why risk the chance of disappointment? Start some more, with a little better technique, and you’ll only be 30 days behind. If you wait until that stunted girl finishes, and THEN start again, you’ll be 70+ days behind. Just my advice. At 28 days I would expect to see 8 nodes at least. One node above your first true leaf is just too stunted.:grump:
Thanks man and yes the soil is heavy with clay and sand. I didn't think about it when I planted them and I'm quite sure it was what stunted the plants. The thing is... I put native soil in pots (although I tried to keep the clay out there was still plenty and alot of sand) and planted two new ones just to see what they would do and they have been growing astronomically faster than the ones I planted directly in the ground. so I'm a little bit confused if it was clay that stunted them or some other factor. (Also I didn't realize the clay was so bad when I planted the new ones but I knew it wasn't good, I had kind of guessed my soil wasn't exactly good at all for cannabis) but my two new ones are doing great, well atleast alot better than my last ones.