If healthy looking plants thru reversal is what your looking for, drop the STS and make colloidal silver. STS is way more aggressive than colloidal silver.
Hey Arthur I'm a little late on the reply (sorry about that)
I used to make C/S and when I sprayed my plants They looked like hell after, I'm talking like I thought they were dead.
When I switched to STS the concentration seemed so low I doubted it would even work. When I sprayed it on the plant and they looked so healthy, I was convinced that the stuff would not work but it proved me wrong. I actually became afraid of having the plant in the house because it was dropping pollen like crazy.
If I even tapped the pot a cloud of pollen would float down.
The concentration I use is 0.1g of silver nitrate in 100 ml of distilled water.
0.5 g of sodium thiosulfate anhydrous in 100 ml of distilled water.
then from these 2 stock solutions I mix 5 ml of each together in to 90 ml of distilled water.
When I first saw this recipe I thought 0.1g of silver and 0.5 sodium thiosulfate into 100 ml of water each then dilute 5 ml of each in to 90 ml of water how can that work there will be hardly anything in the solution.
I am at 100% in my reversals.
my last reversal I did was in the deep water culture and it worked to good. I sprayed the whole plant and this is the largest auto I have grown to date (also the first auto in hydroponics) and once again the pollen was dropping but it was a little harder to move the water bucket than it is to move a flower pot.
I'm sold on STS and DWC but I know now to only hit a branch or 2 so when the pollen starts dropping I can bag the branches cut them off and put them in a glass of water and move them to another area before I remove the bag and collect.
I'm thinking my home made C/S was to strong and it was damaging my plants.
I also believe since working with STS I have now found other STS recipes that are way more concentrated than the first recipe I found (and have always used).
Sometimes people think more is better, but if the experience you had with STS was of higher concentrate it may have hurt your plants as my home made C/S did. I would make mine in a 500ml jar for 12+ hours @ 24 VDC
You are absolutely right about monster plants in hydroponics next run 1 or 2 branches and self pollinating if it's still to much it will be back to reversing in pots and soil.
Thanks for the input and best of luck with all your grows!