SSSC Strawberry Chemdawg OG

DAY 1-4
  • one of the seeds turned out to be a twin this has happened to me once before but the smaller one died so late in the night while being very stoned i decided a emergency operation was in order i extremely carefully over the course of half a hour dug away the coco with a tweezers following the tap root down i manged to somehow get the whole thing out with no breaks honestly dont think i could so it again both are looking smaller than the others but healthy and a small bit of growth since the operation time will tell if was success full

    Day 7 veg
  • looking good the separated twins are the ones with the pot markers far right healthy but definitely smaller at this point
    Day 14 veg

  • iv decided to only run 6 of the plants to save me a bit of work in flower so iv chosen the 6 most similar to each other the other 3 will be donated to a friend they are doing good looking like il be ready to top in the next week

  • WK3
  • week 3 is here and i tried to tame the jungle the stretch is real with the strawberry chemdawg there also drinking over 2 liters a day

    Wk 4 flower
  • Beginning of week 4 and there is no slowing down for the strawberry chemdawg og budding is starting g so hopefully the stretch will slow soon iv been having a rough time keeping the Ph up I think it's from how fast they drink water holding at 5.8ish now I'd like it to be 6.0

  • wk6-7

  • ok folks this grow has officially gone off the rails iv had to do something quite drastic who knows what will happen from here
    culled three plants and pulled down the back one to fill the net :shrug:im not happy about this one bit hate looking at it if i didnt need the weed id have cut it all down by now and started again :doh:
    learning experience i guess but dammmmmm!!!!!!!!all my own fault thinking im billy big bollocks trying to fill the tent well i got what i wanted :haha:
