SSSC Strawberry Chemdawg OG

So the germination method your using? Are you soaking the pad in 10 ml of water or filling the box to 10ml? Also, are you folding over the pad when the seeds are in there? Will kitchen roll use as well as cotton pad?
So the germination method your using? Are you soaking the pad in 10 ml of water or filling the box to 10ml? Also, are you folding over the pad when the seeds are in there? Will kitchen roll use as well as cotton pad?
i just drip 10ml of water onto the cotton pad from a pipet just enough to get it wet/damp not dripping wet
kitchen roll will work fine iv used it many times i just prefer the cotton
most important part is temperature i try my best to not go below 18c or above 26c
DAY 1-4
one of the seeds turned out to be a twin this has happened to me once before but the smaller one died so late in the night while being very stoned i decided a emergency operation was in order i extremely carefully over the course of half a hour dug away the coco with a tweezers following the tap root down i manged to somehow get the whole thing out with no breaks honestly dont think i could so it again both are looking smaller than the others but healthy and a small bit of growth since the operation time will tell if was success full

i just drip 10ml of water onto the cotton pad from a pipet just enough to get it wet/damp not dripping wet
kitchen roll will work fine iv used it many times i just prefer the cotton
most important part is temperature i try my best to not go below 18c or above 26c
Nice one. I’ll give that a go,
Day 7 veg
looking good the separated twins are the ones with the pot markers far right healthy but definitely smaller at this point
Day 14 veg

iv decided to only run 6 of the plants to save me a bit of work in flower so iv chosen the 6 most similar to each other the other 3 will be donated to a friend they are doing good looking like il be ready to top in the next week
