Strain Selection 2017

Apr 17, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Cookies Kush
Hey guys, my autoflower adventure last year did not even come close to what I had hoped for and was a big disappointment. Needless to say, "Quit" is not in my vocabulary.

Really just looking for input on what strains will work best for me here in the Southern US.
Where I live RH is always at least 60% and as summer creeps in it goes even higher and the temps here can start going up over 100 degrees farenheit about August and dont cool down sometimes till October. Mites are sometimes a problem here as well, so any strains with resistance to these buggers would be a bonus.

My goal is to get at least 1 pound dried this year. I would like to have at least 1 indica dom ( for sleep aid ), 1 sat dom( for daytime recreational use ) and a couple good hybrids. I have looked hard at sweet seeds, dinafem, world of seeds. Just need help nailing down varieties.
Thank you all in advance for any input. I love this forum and hope to be able to contribute to this great forum.
Your biggest struggle is going to be the humidity. Where we live its 60%+ at the very least, averaging closer to 70 throughout most of flower. Though I have only grown one so far I would highly suggest Dutch Passions Brooklyn Sunrise for a solid sativa choice. Though i haven't grown either of these personally I have read of a mountain of great outdoor performing indica buzzes from Dinafems Auto White Widow XXL and Dutch Passions auto mazar.
Take a look in stickies in the outdoor section for a thread call "Maximizing outdoor autos". Its a guide I wrote from my experience growing outdoor autos. Last season I hit the auto jackpot and pulled 5oz dry per plant on the average, even losing a bunch from mold.
Thank you for your reply @912GreenSkell I will take all the help I can get. Much love to you sir!! Sending good vibes to you for a good outdoor season.

Hey no problem at all bud...fee free to quote, tag or PM me anytime. How many plants are you thinking of putting down to reach your 1lb goal?
I am going to start with 3 in May, and 2-3 more in June if all goes well. :smoking::woohoo:

6 plants, so in order to hit the goal you are going to have to hit 2.5 oz per plant on the average. It can be done, but I am not going to BS you and say it will be a sure thing at all. To get more than 2oz from an auto requires nailing early stage growth and high(er) yielding genetics as well. Some autos are lower yielding plants even in optimum conditions.
Other things will affect yields as well such as pot size ect...again have a read of the guide

One thing I know is key, is learning from your previous errors/climate challenges. You will want some fairly heat tolerant strains, and if the mites got you do some research on things you can apply to stop them as soon as you see them(or possibly before? not sure).
@912GreenSkell I may start with 4 then, and they are all going into the ground. My order should hopefully get here before April.
I got (6) Dinafem Critical+ 2.0 autos, (7) Dutch Passion Auto Mazar, (3) WOS Wild Thailand Ryder, and (5) freebie Seedsman Auto White Widow.
Time to start prepping the ground and get things ready. Im going to try blending silica to help retain water as I cant tend the plants but once evry 7-10 days.
Any tips for helping make this a sucess, I am all ears! :coffee::thanks::pop:
Nice strain choices man...they should treat you well I think!!

Tip...hrmmm did you read the guide? lol
I did read your guide, and am trying to make a decision on soil. Obviously for me I am a novice grower, so simplicity would be nice, but at the same time I want to be successful! What's your input on this @912GreenSkell?