New Grower Storing seeds for a year

I've got seeds from the 70s in a medicine bottle. Been sitting on my bureau for shit the past 10 years. every year I throw a few in the dirt something always comes up
I keep most of mine in a cigar box with desicant packs in it. I keep in in a drawer in my bedroom seeds have kept very good germ rates so far some are 3+ years old. I keep my best in the freezer, those that I can't replace.
One interesting pattern I have come across with older seeds is fresh seeds seem to split the shell incredibly fast(usually 12 hours-18hours). Once the seeds sit for a couple of years I notice that it always seems to take longer to split the shell...for me usually 2 year old seeds take 24+ hours, 3yr old 36-48hour. Anyone else noticed this?
Self indicating Silica gel is available on ebay 50 x 1g sachets for £2.99

The silica gel will change to blue if any moisture is absorbed and each sachet can absorb a third of its own weight in moisture.

The blue silica contains cobalt chloride and is potentially cancerous. I would recommend the orange to green silica. I made the same mistake when I started using desiccants. I don't know that it is enough to do any damage to the seeds or the grower but I am not willing to take a chance with something that can be easily replaced with an alternative.
If you look into it, first, you'd have to injest the dessicant to be exposed to the danger. MSDS info doesn't show this as a compound that outgases, that's why you find them in food even. Remember, they are drawing moister into themselves very similar to a sponge.

The blue silica contains cobalt chloride and is potentially cancerous. I would recommend the orange to green silica. I made the same mistake when I started using desiccants. I don't know that it is enough to do any damage to the seeds or the grower but I am not willing to take a chance with something that can be easily replaced with an alternative.
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If you look into it, first, you'd have to injest the dessicant to be exposed to the danger. MSDS info doesn't show this as a compound that outgases, that's why you find them in food even. Remember, they are drawing moister into themselves very similar to a sponge.

I think the biggest danger with them is the dust before they are used. Silica dust for sure is terrible for your lungs and honestly I don't know if the cobalt rides on the dust. I don't know of anyone that has had any problems but one of the places I purchase organic products from quit carrying that brand and swapped to the orange. When I emailed them and asked why, because I preferred the blue brand myself, that was the reason they gave me and said they didn't believe any problems would arise from using them but they preferred to change to a more healthy alternative. I don't know if they are bad for you or not but I figure, why chance it?

The msds is below for anyone interested.