yeah, the new exhaust fan is to arrive Saturday, but I got a good sized dehumidifier today. I fired up the dehumidifier outside the tent (walk-in closet, but open on both ends, one end to the master bath, and the other end to the laundry room (which is where I'll be setting up my drying tent) so the dehumidifier can serve both rooms (closet AND laundry room).
The dehumidifier was able to get the outside tent RH down to 45% rather nicely, but as you said, it heated up the closet (with both closet doors closed) to 89*F. When I opened both closet doors to the adjacent rooms (both have fresh A/C ducts as well as the closet itself), the temp got down to 83*F. These are OUTSIDE OF TENT conditions, which it seems to me is "the best possible" environmental conditions, since inside the tent can't be better than outside the tent. No windows, no other vents, no possibility of any other environmental impact.
EDIT: with one possible item for impact: as
@NorthernLights_420 suggested, I can drop my lighting schedule. I have a photoperiod in the tent that I've been manifolding, and I will very soon flip to 12/12, which might help some with the inside tent conditions, but STILL, can't be better than outside tent. Agree, or not? Thanks