May 11, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Green Crack
So i’m Keeping journals now.. I’ve been a grower’s assistant for about 5 years, and finally set up my own grow. I’ve been fairly successful in my yielding and learning. This thread shall be dedicated to my seeds from a member and master breeder on here, @Gabe . The plants germinated overnight in a paper towel, very easily without any scuffing or scraping. It has been approximately 30 hours since I planted the seed, and it’s already showing some amazing vigor.

Technical stuff;
I run a 5x5 tent that’s about half equipped, with a Populargrow Brand 300W LED panel, supplemented with 4x60w household bulbs (if ya follow this thread, you’ll see a lot of “workin what you got” situations. This is your warning). My plants are in assorted sized pots, but the Audrey 2 is in a 3.5L airport of a homemade soil mix. For being germinated and sprouted inside of 40~ hours, i’m Incredibly impressed by this plant’s early potential. Will be updating with more plant pictures as soon as more growth or anything interesting happens.


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Hiya mate

i have Audrey 2 waiting in my seed drawer.

I currently have several of Gabes strains on the go. I am going to make a video about YETI when im stoned enough ( about 20 mins from now) and i will put it in my thread.

In age order

Dark + Stormy
Green Crush
Cuba Libra
2 X Emerald Triangle

Good luck with your grow mate. I love a good grow journal. Im shit at them myself because...........typing......:wall:
i dont know if it was 20 mins

I was always nervous about hydro too, but Savage makes it as easy as growing in soil so far. I did a full change on all my reservoirs on my veg side this weekend, only took an hour, then just top water like soil the rest of the week. My plants are 3x the size they would usually be at this point :smoking:

Here's my most recent Audrey 2 at day 45, and @Dichoti is also running Audrey 2 in a 25 gallon laundry basket:d5:

Update on lil Audrey; she’s doing well 3 days into her life. I also had a slight fuckup, involving being in the growroom this morning too early, so i’m Currently weighing the options on whether to replace the plant that was lost into a 3.5L, or to fill up a 15L bucket and throw a new Audrey into the bigger space. I’m also likely going to run the Audrey plants as:
1 organic
1outdoor organic
1 outdoor+bottled nute. This way, I can fully showcase the potentials of this beautiful plant in the Canadian climate, and in my tent


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At 6 days since planting, my Audrey 2 plant is tied with me other seedsman seedling. The one from Seedsman was planted three days sooner , in the same pot style and soil mix. Same distance across as my finger, so about 4 inches wide so far. Definitely doing well, standing about the same height as width.


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Starting to kick some serious ass. Foot on the gas and ready to take off, Audrey2 has now grown to be about the length of my hand across in both directions, praying to the light!


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Audrey 2 ( black pot) is now killin it. 10 days above ground, and she’s giving the seedsman White widow a good run for it’s money, and it’s around 12 days. As it sits, they stand around 5inches tall, both on an even plane, although the Audrey is in a shorter pot.


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Realized it’s been a week since any updates on here.. I mainly use my instagram by the same name. Anyways, I topped and started training Audrey for a mainline setup. Picture below


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