Outdoor Starting autoflowers outdoor method

Apr 12, 2017
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Hi,can I start autoflower seedlings in half opened greenhouse and then because of cold nights ,put them to inside the house every night to 200watt led light for add extra light.?and then put them back out every morning.Will I make with this method a stress to young seedlings or they will be fine...? I don't want to start them indoors because they will need acclimation for outdoor grow later...I will put them inside at night in every case..just want to add extra light to young seedlings and don't want to stress them to much...
Hey thanks..I've read this already couple of times because is the best report!:) my doubt was,if i can switch immediately from the start with lights and sun every day,that will not hurt young seedlings and stressing them to much with this process..

I think your plan could work well. As long as they avoid cold snaps outdoor from day 1 will work fine. If i was able, i would run autos 24/0 using sun during the day and under LED light all night.
A little late posting, but going from indoors to out shouldn't be a problem. I start them with about an hour of sun, you can judge by shadows and how the sun moves. As long as you gradually introduce them to the sun you'll be fine, and reap the benefits later. I'm a firm believer in plants taking in energy during the daytime and putting fiber on at night. I know people have great success with 24 hr on, but a few hours off will hurt nothing. Autos, from my experience can be a blessing and a curse only as far as allowances of light leaks etc. If you grow photos as well it can be easy to make mistakes just because you do it with autos.
Hi I have report for this method...after a week of switching from indoor to outdoor so much seedlings show stress signs some of them are burned little from sun...I think with this process for young seedlings is to stressed because you must move them from their indoor bubble to outdoor every day and change whole invironment 2 times a day..I start this process at day two from sprouting. In the morning when was warm enough they went out to greenhouse and in the evening went inside bellow led light four couple hours...I think this is stressed for young seedlings because they must have some peace couple of days in the start and they must apprehend enough ...I know probably if I very carefully acclimate them and every day more expose them to the sun probably they be fine but i will have them at home maximum 14days Before they go out and with slow acclimation process you loose much hours of pure sun..I had 200watt led 1 meter high from seedlings and their stems stretched to much..I move light more close to 70cm and nothing better.I think sun is sun and fresh air etc...make them more robust for outdoor grow...I beleave that some people have good results with indoor outdoor processs but I never had problem with just sun but this switch method not worked for me...
I'm at 45 Lat Ontario Canada.
I think moving them around hurts. I start in the house May 1st, and move them to the 8x8 greenhouse a week later. I put a tiny little heater in the greenhouse that comes on if the temp goes below 20c (68f). Even with plastic, you'd be surprised how little the heater comes on. When the sun is out I lift the plastic and give them the full 1 billion lumens from the sun for an hour at noon, then the plastic goes back on. I increase the full exposure to the sun by an hour every two days. Once they hit a full afternoon of sun (UV light penetrates clouds, so keep at it), I keep them out all the time. I'm a guerilla grower to I move them out to the field at this time and try to get them in the ground by dusk so they can rest and start a new day.

Peat pots suck ass and stunt your plants, so I make my own 5" pots and I don't need to pull the plants out of them. They just go into the holes I've prepared when I first put the seedlings outside. When they get to this point, they're unstressed with great air pruned root mass.
Hi I have report for this method...after a week of switching from indoor to outdoor so much seedlings show stress signs some of them are burned little from sun...I think with this process for young seedlings is to stressed because you must move them from their indoor bubble to outdoor every day and change whole invironment 2 times a day..I start this process at day two from sprouting. In the morning when was warm enough they went out to greenhouse and in the evening went inside bellow led light four couple hours...I think this is stressed for young seedlings because they must have some peace couple of days in the start and they must apprehend enough ...I know probably if I very carefully acclimate them and every day more expose them to the sun probably they be fine but i will have them at home maximum 14days Before they go out and with slow acclimation process you loose much hours of pure sun..I had 200watt led 1 meter high from seedlings and their stems stretched to much..I move light more close to 70cm and nothing better.I think sun is sun and fresh air etc...make them more robust for outdoor grow...I beleave that some people have good results with indoor outdoor processs but I never had problem with just sun but this switch method not worked for me...

Not sure what to say bud....it certainly works for me(and many others)....not too many other guys on this site i know of get 4 ounces or more per auto outdoors.
I think moving them around hurts.

I respectfully disagree bud. Last year was nice weather up here and I did extremely well with autos using the techniques in the guide...i didnt see any negative effect at all and pulled a 5 ounce per auto average dry moving them around during the first 2 weeks.

I put a tiny little heater in the greenhouse that comes on if the temp goes below 20c (68f). Even with plastic, you'd be surprised how little the heater comes on. When the sun is out I lift the plastic and give them the full 1 billion lumens from the sun for an hour at noon, then the plastic goes back on. I increase the full exposure to the sun by an hour every two days. Once they hit a full afternoon of sun (UV light penetrates clouds, so keep at it), I keep them out all the time. I'm a guerilla grower to I move them out to the field at this time and try to get them in the ground by dusk so they can rest and start a new day.

Nice setup!! Wish i had a greenhouse!!

Peat pots suck ass and stunt your plants, so I make my own 5" pots and I don't need to pull the plants out of them. They just go into the holes I've prepared when I first put the seedlings outside. When they get to this point, they're unstressed with great air pruned root mass.

Yeah i am not a fan of peat pots as well....takes too much effort for the roots to penetrate.
I respectfully disagree bud. Last year was nice weather up here and I did extremely well with autos using the techniques in the guide...i didnt see any negative effect at all and pulled a 5 ounce per auto average dry moving them around during the first 2 weeks.

Nice setup!! Wish i had a greenhouse!!

Yeah i am not a fan of peat pots as well....takes too much effort for the roots to penetrate.
Mine stunted to dwarf size and hermied. :( Could have been bad seeds for all I know.

The greenhouse is nothing fancy. It's a car cover that was destroyed by wind and found new life in my garden. lol