SSSC st tom presents auto bruce lemon diesel and elephant in sohums live soil

here you go bro a big thanks to @EP3 for finding this info for me he's a star This is were I got mine next day tracked delivery so book mark this bro they told me they got a container full . and this is sohums info on autoflowers I'm just starting mine in light mix soil so I should be able to put it direct into the medium

Aw man, amazing info - you've definitely sold me. I'm going to get ALL over this for my next run.
Aw man, amazing info - you've definitely sold me. I'm going to get ALL over this for my next run.
you have got me to test pilot it for you also there are some good people growing with it on youtube as that's what really got me interested
you have got me to test pilot it for you also there are some good people growing with it on youtube as that's what really got me interested

Dude believe me, if you're running with something I'm looking over your shoulder taking notes :biggrin:
St. Tom
Looks like I'll be getting some Elephant beans!:woohoo:

I told one of my Vet friend that has worse pain problem than mine. If I can manage to get some good results. I think I'll send it off for testing of the CBD/THC. He really liked the canna butter I made him. Knocked him on his ass with the first cup of coffee!
I'll be looking at your baby Elephants with new interest!:thumbsup:
My youngsters are off to a great start these 3 are now in just lightmix soil and will be put into just sohums after i pot them up but im going to maybe keep them in these a little longer than normal
The sohum adventure begins i potted my 3 sssc girls . bruce lemon diesel auto x2 and my Oliphant or eliphant so fingers crossed the soil isnt to hot for them i did 50/50 lightmix a lot of were the new roots from the solo cups should go
