SSSC SSSC Lava Freeze (Bio-Tabs & Telos LED)

Good to see yours on the run :thumbsup: but unfortunately mine will brake through today:coffee: so i am a couple of days in advantage:kiss:

So Competitive!! :rofl: :rofl: That's why you're the Batlle Manager!!! ^_^
PS ... You'll need that advantage!! :yeah:

Bon voyage Miss....

Thanks very much Harry - I was admiring your towers of bud!! Good luck with the final leg!!! :d5:

Super sweet setup Blue, as always! :thumbsup: Thanks for the tag!

DG .. Welcome!! :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: .. Grab a comfy chair .. this beans only just hit the Germination Station. Fingers crossed for your little one too!! :D

:doc1:bless your one and only.:bighug:

Ahhh Magoo ... Such a creepy song in disguise!! His face more acurately depicts the tone of the content (/intent)
Here's another fun "one"



Cool packaging indeed :thumbsup:

I brought a unicorn to the party :goodluck:
Thanks for the tag!

I would love to use the Biotabs in my AutoPots but shipping to Canada is insane charge. I would have to split with someone OR wait for a good sale (last one I missed and the sale would have paid the shipping).

SO I am eager to see your results. I never can seem to get big plants in my AP's, but I always compare them to my DWC and maybe that is not fair. I do love them still, and with the BT's I bet they are a joy to maintain!

I'll pull up a comfy chair too, you know the one!! :eyebrows: :crying:
After reading how fast these beans germinate, i thought i'd better have a look at the 24 hour mark!

Tiny little tail poking out ... So i dropped it into some slightly moist soil.
Now we wait and see! What will appear from under the misty cup???


Only time will tell!!


Hey Hey RG!! :D
I would love to use the Biotabs in my AutoPots but shipping to Canada is insane charge. I would have to split with someone OR wait for a good sale (last one I missed and the sale would have paid the shipping).

You can get pre-made organic soil in your neck of the woods though?! I've been tempted with that, but the shipping would be far too expensive! It's what turned me on to biotabs.

Splitting a starter pack isn't a bad idea to test them out (if you can find someone locally willing to give it a go) - I find it does about 5 plants with some bits left over.

SO I am eager to see your results. I never can seem to get big plants in my AP's, but I always compare them to my DWC and maybe that is not fair.

That's SO unfair!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ... Your DWC plants will always be much bigger than my soil and space restricted plants :D .. But on the flip side, i don't have to lug around water and mix nutes hehe. Different Apples for ummmm the orchard (that's a saying .. right!??)

I'll pull up a comfy chair too, you know the one!! :eyebrows: :crying:

Hahahha ... Yes i do!! ... NOBODY wll be fighting you for that one in a game of musical chairs :crying:

Just call me Endora .. I'll be chillin'on the Davenport dabbing on the Hookah!!

Welcome Rebel ... We'll wait for the seed to sprout ... but then i'm expecting a huge REBEL YELL. I would enjoy my updates to be read around midnight .. and inspire you to cry "More More More" :crying:
And ... If it all goes wrong ... it'll be a "Nice day to ....... Starrrrrrt agaaaaaiiinn"


Hey Hey RG!! :D

You can get pre-made organic soil in your neck of the woods though?! I've been tempted with that, but the shipping would be far too expensive! It's what turned me on to biotabs.

Splitting a starter pack isn't a bad idea to test them out (if you can find someone locally willing to give it a go) - I find it does about 5 plants with some bits left over.

I could use the 100 pack for my stuff, but I only know one local grower and he does outdoors organic. You can't get organic soil where you are at? I would, but indoors I prefer to use coco and then add the amendments. I worry about bringing something inside critter wise but it is probably no more risk than any other prepackaged product.

That's SO unfair!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ... Your DWC plants will always be much bigger than my soil and space restricted plants :D .. But on the flip side, i don't have to lug around water and mix nutes hehe. Different Apples for ummmm the orchard (that's a saying .. right!??)

Yes the water lugging SUCKS. But I am addicted to the results. That is why I love the AutoPots tho, I can put some plants in DWC and then get a "break" with the AP's.

Hahahha ... Yes i do!! ... NOBODY wll be fighting you for that one in a game of musical chairs :crying:

BHAHAHA the mental image of people running around madly, stop, look behind and SHOVE the person next to them aside before they fall on the chair NOOOooooooo
