SSSC SSSC Lava Freeze (Bio-Tabs & Telos LED)

:headbang:.... oh yeah, she's got the goods! A very healthy vigorous girl Blooo, gonna be plenty to work with.... Top-biased training will be in order :thumbsup:

:pass:Update us luv!

Hey Hey Waira! :D The Lava Freeze is growing beautifully!!

I had an issue .... well an un-common lapse of concentration! After a little defoliation session and a nice inspection, i noticed a leaf twist at the top.
I heard echos of Mr Ganjamoto in my head whispering ... it's the calmag fairy! ... So i added the calmag ... no problems.

I then left it for a couple of days ... i mean, it's in an auto pot ..... What Can Go Wrong??? Right???

I go in to see it and it looks REALLY unhappy ... Droopy as shit ... my first thought was WTF!!!! ... my second was over watered and i need to take it out the pot ..... Third time lucky Blue .. the pot was feather light ... there was no water in the pot and i found the culprit!!

So i'd moved the pot while defoling and admiring, and the pipe at the base of the autopot got a kink in it ..... no water supply!

So i wasn't gonna show you an ugly plant - but all is fine now, a good watering, some micro nutes ... and now some PK and we're rocking again - A nice flowering start and "hopefully" the stretch is OVER!! because if it carries on i'm gonna need a bigger boat!!!

All good in LF land .. I'll update with piccies soon!! :D


:yoinks: gaaaahhhhh!! - :nono: - Butt-Clench city mate! Don't scare me like that- :rofl:... thank gawds she's OK, and it's something simple like that = :karmacloud:
I can imagine the kink, that type of plastic bends and holds up to a point, then it fatigues out and just fails... It will be a weak point permanently, so if applicable, look into getting a little piece of tubing to slip over it and prevent another kink.
:smokeout: pics when she's ready for her adoring public!
It will be a weak point permanently, so if applicable, look into getting a little piece of tubing to slip over it and prevent another kink.

Yeah, it's not the rubber - it's flexible, but can't be bent round 90 degrees and hope to still get water through :rofl: .. my mistake, i just need to be a bit more careful when i turn my pots!!

Here's the Flowering Photo Update .... (she looks like a girl!! ^_^ )



She looks happy enough eh? ^_^
I'm really impressed so far with the Lava Freeze - Hilarious fan leaves (great for cannegars if that's your thing).

She'll carry on getting some Orgatrex and some BioPK with some biosys to keep her happy.
Thats it for now.

Flowering Update

Hey guys - sorry i've lost track of time! Looks like i'm shooting for a pre Xmas harvest and things are going wonderfully!

In my limited experience with the strain (my only one), i'd say it's a super strong strain. I've loved the way its grown, given me no real grumbles except when it was deprived of water with a blocked line for a few days.

The odd leaf twist, which i believe is an early calmag warning ... calmag "seems" to fix it up.

They've not had that much in way of feeding - the 2 biotabs that went in originally .. and a bit of biobizz grow, the oragne bottle that came with biotabs and some bioPK from biotabs recently.

Here she is :D



couple of LED bleached tips ... meh "whatchya gonna dooo ehhh?" ^_^


Out of a score of two .. i give this plant 2 thumbs up!!

Blue how are ya? :bighug:since the change over I stopped getting notice of your posts.:shrug:
and I am slow on the uptake. she is a fine specimen. had to join your Gang to post.:shooty:
no doubt! hanging with the right crowd.
Blue how are ya? :bighug:since the change over I stopped getting notice of your posts.:shrug:
and I am slow on the uptake. she is a fine specimen. had to join your Gang to post.:shooty:
no doubt! hanging with the right crowd.

Hey Magoo - I'm okay thanks! I've been a bit under the weather with some health issues - nothing serious it turns out, just a bit of winter blues! ^_^

Thanks for joining up! Here's a piccy update of late(er) flowering!
The purple leaves are from the cold (not the rare pheno we're all looking for) :rofl:



she is beauteous Blue! :bighug: my tents are three rooms away from wood stove. and winter temps in tent go as low as 60 deg. F. with lights out. and 70 on. funny, I have only had a few plants purple up on me.:cheers: