SSSC SSSC - Grow & Show up to end of the year!

My USA Kush day 18

DWC going ok still but I still feel sketchy about this experiment. I’m changing my light schedule to 20 on 4 off I was of for 6 hours off but now with colder nights I fear the temps are dropping to much in 6 hours hence slower growth on all my young plants.
DWC going ok still but I still feel sketchy about this experiment. I’m changing my light schedule to 20 on 4 off I was of for 6 hours off but now with colder nights I fear the temps are dropping to much in 6 hours hence slower growth on all my young plants.
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The temps could be it. It could be something root development related. If you're giving them enough light to get them to their DLI, you can calculate it, but I think it's best to observe it. If they are meeting their DLI, you should see them go to a rest position.
Given proper VPD and meeting their DLI, I'm inclined to think your roots would be more developed with this grow method.

Just throwing some ideas out there to see if anything fits or directs ya to look in other area.

They look good though! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I sometimes over expect.............done that in regular gardening! LOL! A lot of times I got severely surprised. My first sweet potato crop comes to mind! My Mom surprised me with some sweet potato slips..........200 of them!:rofl::rofl:
The part of the garden I had to plant THIS many slips was no where near ready in building the soil organically. I had to resort to a very good organic fertilizer, Sustain, and a bunch of other organic techniques on steroids. I went nuts on it because my Mom talking about my Great-Grandpa being known for his sweet potatoes. That was why she went nuts with the numbers! LOL!
I really wasn't expecting much, but the results sure exceeded my dreams. The best thing is that it made Mom happy. It was always good to keep that lady happy. LOL!

I am well jealous of all these cracking looking plants. I have given up on mine ever arriving.
Oh, well.

Good luck everyone!!

I feel ya!
USA Kush.. take 2..
View attachment 1374948
Not even worth getting into what happened the first 2 other than to say my fault and nothing to do with the beans.. I'll be back when these are up and I've get in touch with myself again :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
We win some we loose some.all part of the growing of luck mate.and happy growing every1;)