haha, maual white balance doesnt make sense anymore, as you can ajdust "white balance" in raw format afterwards.
I thought about, putting a foil/papersheet or some like this between lights and my ladies, so the colorrange would be spreaded and wouldnt have those artefacts.
but after experementing I gave up. I read on some dslr forum, that led light in the wrong spectrum, cant be fully recorded by CMOS sensors anyways.
so its technical blocked. I could buy a film camera and take snapshots out of it, because they have different chips.
but thats not worth it ( 1920px max width )
so my actual workarround ist, to raise green in midrange, with quite good results.
but showing health ob leafes and so on, is only reliable under sunlight (best if cloudy, because of smooth shadows immitating a softbox)