Grow Room SS Big Bud automatic - CultureLux 30W - Tower PC

  • Thread starter Thread starter lowbudge
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Hey there,

I'm a electrician based in Germany, quite experienced in growing on Coco.
My last grow is quite a time ago. I was growing some Top44 and NothernLights.
View attachment 196458

Back in the days, there was no way for the use of LED systems for many reasons. Some days ago I ran into a technical dokumentation about Lightwaves and some crazy shit I still dont get... :o
So I decided to do some research on LED techniques and found those crazy automatic strains grown in a small room with such a huuuge amount of weed produced on hydroponic base.

After reading and watching all of this stuff, I realy wanted to try it by myself, but in fact a 1by1 field with the use of LED technique would cost something around 1000 bucks aaand would produce hell of a lot, of what I can smoke in a growing cycle.

So what i decided to do, after reading on many forums and dont get the feeling to be informed 100%, was to do a research project and let people to view what is happening. Also I hope I#ll get feedback or some help on smaller problems.

Stuff I use:
3x Big Bud automatic (Weed Seed Shop)
Sensi Seeds
1x Hesi StarterKit (Extreme House)
1x CultureLux 30W
and a lot of small things

My plan:
I want to build a nearly silent growbox which fits under my desk for 1-2 plants and find out how many plants can be feed with a single led unit. (the cultureLux system is modular, wich means it can be put into frames with like 6 or 9 or 12 led units, depending on the size of the growroom)
not knowing the full size of the plants is a big lack of information. So I will probably give one of the 3 seedlings to a friend who is doing HPS-600Watt and will give me a refference of size, methurement and smoke ;)

5 seeds: 32:50� + porto = somthing arround 7.50 per seed
LED panel 139�
hesi stuff will last 4-5 cycles at least, if only growing 2 plants = 50�.
stuff for the room, vents etc = 20�
250� invested, so my goal for the first run ist to get back the half of investment wich would be arround 125 to 150� (10-15 gramm)

not that difficult goal, eh?

I would be happy if some people are into my project and will give some feedback and knowledge on the LED thing. If it works well, I will extend to maybe 3 LED panels and growing 3 plants in different boxes. (wich would give the comfort of having 2-3 different strains to be compareable)

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Willkommen im Forum lowbudge.

What size grow area do you have? I understand you are growing under your desk. What is the area, LxWxH?
What size pots are your using? This is a determining factor in the size of plants.

Finally, 30W seems very small to use for 1 plant and especially for 2. From everything I have read 30W per foot² is the absolute minimum with 50W per foot² being better.

Best of luck on your endeavor, I am subscribed. Ich liebe Deutschland!
Ich liebe Deutschland!

nice dude :)

I saw videos from growrooms using 9 x 30W for 9-12 plants working realy great. So math would tell 1.2 plants per 30W spott. Like U said, 2 plants could get bad. I fell like 30W / 1plant could be a realistic thing, if you dont expect realy high amounts in the end. (my thought about doing 2 plants can be canceled at any time)

meassurements of the darkroom, would be somethin like 30x45x90 (the panel is a bit streched than a square, so my room should look like) If 2 plants seems not to work out, I would try to smallen the room to a square (30cm x 30 cm) OR put in another light.

2nd idea is to mix led with two LSR vertikal, to expand the light usage wich is lowered by the amount of leafes inside the box.

to me it seems logic^^

edit: I will increase soil often in small stepps. to find out wich fits the best. Any suggestions?
Yeah, with that size you should have no problem. 30 x 45 would be fine if you aren't expecting 50 grams. I would suggest starting a thread in the micro section of the forum. Probably get a ton more input than in the LED section. Maybe consider a CFL or two if you can fit them in with minimal heat. That may increase your yield some and keep your budget still very low.

As for pot size, I have no idea. I do know I have 2 plants in ~19L post and they are just shy of 1 meter tall. That is with 600W though. I don't know if the math is correct but if you scale to proportion I am at ~ 30" in 19L pots. That would equal to ~ 75cm to 19L. So ~ 4cm per 1L if the scaling is correct. You should have the height to grow easily @ 90cm. I would think you could get a 10L pot in there pretty easily without growing out of head space. I see a 10L pot is about 28cm in circumference and 23cm tall. That would give about 23cm for pot, 40cm for plant and about 30cm left for head space. That is tight but I would think it would give you a decent crop.

I suppose the biggest thing I would worry about if I were you would be nutrients/PH. In that small of a pot nutes and PH is going to be VERY VERY important to measure exact dosages. A little off one way or the other will definitely kill your lady quick.

Anyways, that is my thoughts. Best of luck!

I was thinking about the microforum as well, but I think I'm between growing in a small PC and a tent.
My focus is more or less pointed at the LED thing and trying to fit my Need.

and so my plan grew today, if the amount of weed is near to my calculations, I will def. buy another LED Panel and from that moment on, I can harvest in shorter periods.
I will put a new seed in, as soon as the first plant reaches week 4. So i can harvest every 4-5 weeks and the LED Panel could be arranged in a V-form, wich would (in my opinion) be the best support for the plant in the last floweringstadium creating the THC and so on. As I am wrinting this doen, I realize it may be hard to understand and I start to draw a little scetch.

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If my math doesnt fail, I would enhance Light brought to the plant by 0.5 times.

edit: as I will do 20/4 lightning, its no math needed to put a seedling into the box, 2-4 wekks before harvesting the first one... XD
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first one to see!
View attachment 197973
one realy looks good, 2nd one ok and 3rd semms a little bit small...
View attachment 197975View attachment 197974
Now all three getting ready to explode!!!
View attachment 197976

and my growbox got a little upgrade, while waiting for the LED panel and black/white & 120mm Fan... ;)
today buying a 80mm vent was pretty good, cause I found out there is a tube to expand the 80mm sized output in my case to 120mm & this allows me to build in a much less noisier big fan!!!
View attachment 197982
I also had the idea of saving space inside the case by not hanging the light, but to put 4 M6 threaded rod in, and make the platform (where the plants will be put on) adjustable. :drool:

New parts should arrive tomorrow, so stay tuned for an update!


ps: is it already day 3 on the plants? or when do I start to count on using Seeds ( cause I only had cuttings before)