sprout problem

Dec 22, 2020
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hey can i ask a question i germinated one gorilla cookies last week saturday or sunday if i remember im new to growing have only made it out with 1 harvest now on my 2nd try... the thing is that i couldnt ever get a seed pop out the soil normally i always have to dig the soil to pull the seed out and put it more closer to the surface... im starting loose hope now as it looks like its roots stopped developing the thing i want to ask you is should i use my leds for 24h straight before sprout and how long did it took u to see the seed comming out of the soil? hope u can help me out im really confused right now... im growing in soil biobizz light mix 400w led having a humidifier about to use it when it sprout if its ever will... i already have a 2nd gorilla seed germinated just in case the seed wont open its cotelydon or try to break through the shell im just waiting for the 2nd for the taproot to get longer so i can plant it... i heard from a guy that i should never get the seed out of the soil to check it but i did it in every grow i tried should i just wait or dump the germinated seed thats in soil and pop out the 2nd one and only spray when its needed
Man, I'll try to help ya. First welcome to AFN. How I germ....I use light mix also with no amendments, moistened in solo cups, on heat mat, under 96w T5HO...plant seed 3/8-1/2 inch deep...with dome....spritz now and then.....smoke a doob or three...I get 100% germ in 3-4 days...
Patience is the primary tool to use for the first few weeks of a plant cause they need nothing else.
Man, I'll try to help ya. First welcome to AFN. How I germ....I use light mix also with no amendments, moistened in solo cups, on heat mat, under 96w T5HO...plant seed 3/8-1/2 inch deep...with dome....spritz now and then.....smoke a doob or three...I get 100% germ in 3-4 days...
Patience is the primary tool to use for the first few weeks of a plant cause they need nothing else.
ok what i wanted to ask you if you can help me out is when i pulled the seed out of the soil i felt like its roots were moving in my hand i dont know if its just an illusion or they were actually moving i planted straight into fabric pot 25l filled the half way in with soil and started spraying... reason why im worried is cause i failed to control the moisture in the top of the soil for 2-3 times it almost completly dried out thats why im wondering if the seed died or not... so im on the 3rd day now... the seed is germinated already with paper towel method and placed onto its medium
did it that way cause i heard transplanting autos stresses them out a bit... had my last barneys purple punch auto growing up to its full potential and yielded about 50-60g wich is pretty good i think for my first time... i got no problems with heat i germinated in a grow tent with 21-23celcius just wondering if i should dump the seed and plant the 2nd one that has been germinated once the taproot reaches 1-2cm so i can be sure it wont flip over
Man, I'll try to help ya. First welcome to AFN. How I germ....I use light mix also with no amendments, moistened in solo cups, on heat mat, under 96w T5HO...plant seed 3/8-1/2 inch deep...with dome....spritz now and then.....smoke a doob or three...I get 100% germ in 3-4 days...
Patience is the primary tool to use for the first few weeks of a plant cause they need nothing else.
yeah i get what you mean... do you leave ur grow light 24 hour before the seed sprout out of the soil? i didnt get my seed to sprout yet... if i sprout it then theres no issue i can fully control her behavior
im using viparspectra 450w with only veg switch only wich is about 95-100w i think
As I've always had nothing but troubles trying the paper towel trick I stick to direct planting. Just place seed on top of soil, light pressure to push it in even with surface. 1/4 to 3/8 inch layer of vermiculite /soil mix on top. Just round enuff to cover, 1 to 2 inch circle. Liter coke bottle (cut in half) over it.
As I've always had nothing but troubles trying the paper towel trick I stick to direct planting. Just place seed on top of soil, light pressure to push it in even with surface. 1/4 to 3/8 inch layer of vermiculite /soil mix on top. Just round enuff to cover, 1 to 2 inch circle. Liter coke bottle (cut in half) over it.
should i cover the top of the coke bottle with the cap or drill some holes so it can get air?
should i cover the top of the coke bottle with the cap or drill some holes so it can
should i cover the top of the coke bottle with the cap or drill some holes so it can get air?
I just use the bottom half of the bottle, no holes but I check it a couple times a day lifting the dome off, inspecting, spritz as needed, replace. Indirect light from window for 2 or 3 days.
This round is almost done but I failed on 4 beans using paper towel after these so tent is gonna be empty till after my move.