New Grower Splotchy leaves. Should I be concerned?

Papa Munch

That old and easy feeling.
Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
This is one of my girls. She is 16 days old. Since she was born, she has had this slight discoloration on her leaves. I thought it was possibly heat stress or that her soil was too hot. Her identical sister has none of these issues under the same conditions. She is a Nirvana Bubblelicious, Fox farms happy frog, no nutes yet other than some cal/mag last 2 waterings, temps currently have been stabilized to 77-80, they had gotten up to 90 before removing a light a week ago. The soil ph is 6.6, watered with 6.5, MarsHydro 96x3 at 20". RH is low, average 30 but at night it goes up to about 60 according to my Accurite.

As mentioned, her leaves have pretty much had this slight splotchiness. The bottom right leaf has had the serrated edges curling up and looking like its ripped itself. You can also see a leaf that appears like only half of it developed. The bottom left leaf is showing splotched along the center vein as well.

I'm also noticing the same thing with the new growth coming up.

I'm not sure if I should be concerned as I haven't seen this discoloration before. Thoughts? Advice?

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