Indoor Spelsylver's California Adventures

Nothing Like good news in the morning .........:dance:and nothing like seeing a dream come true.......i love it...:five:
:Cushty: thats great news!

im happy for you bud :karma Cloud::karma Cloud:
:woohoo: :woohoo: nice to see you settled and doing something you love spels :woohoo:
Thank you so much everyone! I'm so excited things are going this direction for me.

Tang, buddy we gotta get you a dab. And glow unfortunately is still in new york! her career as a chef has taken off and she is waiting for another promotion to unit manager. she can't come to california yet but when she does, she'll be able to transfer within the company out here since they are global. shes gotta put in more time there first. it's been very difficult being apart but i've already purchased a ticket back home for a visit in december for a solid three weeks! I miss her very much, i've also lost 10 pounds from missing out on home cooking from her. lol!

P.S. since you are you Think we could get a Live Link to the shop.....:Holy Moly:

Is your shop called the Green Dragon too..franchise style...?

Well mossy, i'm already going to do video updates collaborating with the manager of the shop for youtube. I don't know how to go abouts a live feed?? and the Green Dragon used to be the name of the shop but now it's the Dragon Collective.

another shop had the name and sent a letter telling the owner to change the name so now it's the dragon collective. I'll have full input on the name of the shop in long beach sooooo Dragon will be in there. I'm going to make that shop my bitch in the nicest way possible :KISS:

Astro, you asked how they felt about autos here. at first they were very much against them. waist of time in their eyes. BUT i've forced fed my videos down their throats and actually showed them what autos can do and now they want me growing autos in the shop!!! if they like what they see i'll be provided with my own breeding space...but one thing at a time. right now i'm focusing on my little babies and shop needs. making lots of concentrates :yay:

Thanks again to you all for all the well wishes. :group:
glad to here things are going good for ya out there spels :smokebuds: after 3 weeks with glow your not gonna wanta leave
spel's if anyone can convince them about auto's, you can!!:hug:
WOW WOW Great story..It just sounds so perfect...Im from NY and I lived in cali so I know how different it is and different the people are there lol I bet you love that sun! Long beach is was all broke down when I lived there but I hear its Nice now..It had a small ass indoor mall we called it the Small lol and the queen marry ship right lol I would ride the blue line to fox hills mall..I like San Diego better though and LA more diverse then LB..I plan on moving to CO instead of CA it just cost so much to live there and has a higher danger level but you are from NY lol you can handle it!...DAB
Hop digity :Cushty: :Piggy Hug: :dance: :group:
This is great news Spels I'm happy for you and I have really enjoyed reading your threads. What do we have to look for on youtube to find you? Sending a big :karma Cloud: your way to help keep all your dreams coming true. I will be watching for updates to see what your up to.
WOW WOW Great story..It just sounds so perfect...Im from NY and I lived in cali so I know how different it is and different the people are there lol I bet you love that sun! Long beach is was all broke down when I lived there but I hear its Nice now..It had a small ass indoor mall we called it the Small lol and the queen marry ship right lol I would ride the blue line to fox hills mall..I like San Diego better though and LA more diverse then LB..I plan on moving to CO instead of CA it just cost so much to live there and has a higher danger level but you are from NY lol you can handle it!...DAB

Thanks dabaeacuss! Im actually from cali born and raised. Was away in new york for 10 years but now im back :D born in torrance, moved all over l.a. as a kid. Lived in orange county for a huge chunk, a little bit of time spent in san diego as well before settling in long beach. Im actually a few blocks from where I moved from 10 years ago! Long beach has come a long way as a city. Not as run down as it used to be but it definitely has it's rough around the edge feel to it still. Very diverse here, all over l.a. actually. I take the blue line to the purple line to get to work. Takes me alnost 2 hours but I get free herb, a free meal and get to make fantastic concetrates like this while im there :p

Jayp, thanks for the kind words man. If you or anyone for that matter want to find my YouTube channel,

Type in: Diavoloquasar

I have almost 200 vids, you can't miss me :)


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