as others already mentioned, I think you're a bit too early.
I grow photo's outdoor(never grew auto's), and my personal rule of thumb is they can go out around end april/beginning of may at the earlist. I'm in the netherlands, so probably similar timing for you.
for plants like tomatoes that don't handle frost well I learned from my father the rule of thumb that after 15th of may chance on nightfrosts is minimal, so safe to plant frostsensitive crops.
my experience is that weed can easily survive some frost, but they just won't grow much if it's too cold. one year I tried out how early I could go. germed some seeds, and after germing immediatly planted outside, around end of march-beginning of april. the seedlings emerged and had no trouble surviving, but they pretty much didn't grow at first, then at the very end of april they started growing rapidly.
so any time before the end of april is useless, since they won't grow anyway so you don't get more/earlier harvest, but they stay in their most vulnerable, small seedlingstage for longer, so more risk to lose the plants.
also with some earlier photostrains you can get in trouble with revegging if you plant out too early, so with really early photostrains it's better to wait a little longer.