Indoor Sour60 Dwarf/Runt pheno - Whatcha think?

  • Thread starter Thread starter happycamper15
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mean shots bro welldone +rep
I'm pushing it to the picture limit on this post! 25 pix! Probably only 3 are necessary, but I have a hard time hitting that delete button.

Anyways, it is approx. week 8.5-9. Not quite sure of exact dates, but they were above soil a couple days before xmas.

Harvest is very very close. Now on to some pix.

Here is plant #2. She has yellowed up and died off quite a bit. I took off two side branches that are currently hanging up to dry. I think I will give them a try in a day or two. As for the remainder of the plant, I think I will chop on Sunday.




Note these pix are after removing the sample branches.

Here are those branches that I will be sampling. This should dry out to about 3 grams or so. I put them next to a 1/2 pint canning jar for comparison.





Now to plant #1. This gal is pretty. The first pic is before removing all the dead and dried leaves.

She is pretty hefty. What a little bud-sicle. She wobbles around because the weight of the main cola! I might let this one go another week to see if it gives stronger medical potential at week 10.

Now some pix of plant 1. (Sorry for how many there are. I just love the look of this little banger. Hope you have high speed internet)









These are the 3 young'n plants. They are 3-4 weeks behind.
Something is wrong with the two taller ones. There are black spots on the lower leaves. Not looking as healthy as they could. Any advice?

The last once in the tropicana jug is in the most soil, and is doing very very well. Trich production has already started and is starting to cover even the fan leaves! What a weird mixup of genetics I have here! Although I have never grown it, I imagine this one is primarily of masterlow influence.







Well I hope everyone has enjoyed the picture show. I will keep you posted on how this sample turns out!

lookin good happycamper! I will have to give you a warning though... apologizing for posting mass canna-porn is considered a federal offence in the province of Autoflower... punisihable by up 30 years in "Intensive Hotbox Recircultaion"... never try to deny a soverign pot smoker his canna-porn! lol

on a more serious note... it appears you have some deficiencies... looks like potassium and maybe a little low on nitrogen... do you have a soil ph meter? might want to star wth determinign what your soil ph is and go from there... often times the nutrients ARE in the soil but the ph of the soil is locking out / preventing uptake... soil ideally should be ph 6.3-6.5... once thats straight we can move on to other isssues... dont get me wrong.. things are looking good... but they could prob do better with a little tweaking... just tryin to help a brother out.. lol

ph vs uptake.gifph vs uptake 2.jpg

the charts should help you see how things work a lil better and the link below will walk you through step by step... good luck bro and good karma

lookin good happycamper! I will have to give you a warning though... apologizing for posting mass canna-porn is considered a federal offence in the province of Autoflower... punisihable by up 30 years in "Intensive Hotbox Recircultaion"... never try to deny a soverign pot smoker his canna-porn! lol

Lovely Girls happycamper15........enjoy those test buds....

Have a great weekend....:smoke:
Hey mate, i just soaked some sour60's. Looking forward to seeing what is in store.

It does look like they are hungry for some flower nutes. JM's diagnosis seems correct.
JM - Haha okay no more apologizing for canna-porn. Thank you for the charts. I do not have a soil ph meter, or water meter for that matter. Do you have any suggestions on what I should get? I hear that Hanna is not a good name. How about Milwaukee instruments? I also think the deficiencies could be due to my water. I was away this week, and did not notify the person taking care of the girls that the tap water is not good for them. It is orange with rust and heavy metals. Turns all white clothes a dingy color in the wash. That is probably why they turned yellow so quickly this week. Anyways, thanks for stopping by!

Wiz- Thanks for popping in! Sample buds should be dry soon. Think tomorrow I will give em a try. Hope you're having a good weekend as well.

Bailer - The young girls got a feeding of Tiger Bloom. I am too close to harvest to feed the older plants. Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you for the charts. I do not have a soil ph meter, or water meter for that matter. Do you have any suggestions on what I should get? I hear that Hanna is not a good name. How about Milwaukee instruments?
very well could be the water...
I have a rapidtest soil ph/fertility/ligh/moisture meter from ebay or amazon... bout 18 bucks
for water... I have a Hannah HI98129... hannah didnt used to be so great IMO but they have improved.. this partiular meter even has a replaceable probe option... so for 50 bucks you an replace the electrode which s what usually goes bad... i had a milwaukee... piece of shit died in 2 months...i'll never buy another milwaukee again... just a personal experienece... not sure f it is significant statistically..

hope this helps... :)

Great looking dwarfs dude!
I for one wouldent complain about getting drawfs,thats what I love,lol..seeing them little tiny budded plants:)
They defently look awesome,and in small containers even...great job!
Pretty cool grow. Nice job!!! I got a laugh out of your having to keep you light on to keep your plants warm *lol* Must be nice :) We dont have that gift in Lat 32°