Indoor Sour60 Dwarf/Runt pheno - Whatcha think?



Hello AF community!

I thank you all for the warm welcome here at AFN. The migration from IC was smooth!

I just want to share my little grow with you. Hopefully I can learn a few things from the excellent knowledge of the community, and I hope I can help someone somewhere with something!

A little background info:

My setup: My cab consists of a common 4 tier mini-greenhouse. If you aren't sure what I speak of, a google search will show. It provides a 27"x19" floor (3.5 sq. ft). I have removed a tier, lined it with emergency blanket, and put my 150 HPS and CFL powerstrip (149watts) inside.
This cabinet is in my basement, and I live in high-40 degree latitude. This means my basement has an ambient temperature in the 40-50*F range. Consequently, I have to keep my lights on 24 hours a day to provide warmth. I am not fond of this, but it comes with the territory.


Strain - These plants are offspring of mdanzig's sour60 that I made last summer. I pollinated the dwarf pheno (bad idea). The resulting seeds have all come out to be squat runts/dwarfs, unfortunately. I understand that these are in small containers, but I have tried them in much larger containers with no size difference.

These first 2 girls are about 6-7 weeks old, grown in 2 liter pop bottles. Soil is 3:1 FFOF: perlite (I now know this is too much perlite and not enough soil.) They have been fed 1/4 and 1/2 strength FF Tiger Bloom about 4 or 5 times.

Well, enough talk. Here are some pics.
The 2 girls - 10" and 12"





Plant 2






As you can see, they are really lacking N. These pictures were taken before they were fed their first full dose of tiger bloom.
I have terrible water from my well. Orange, full of rust and heavy metals, and a $2000 treatment system doesn't even touch it. Although I do not have a pH/TDS pen, I guarantee it isn't good for my plants.

Should I start melting snow? My cousin offered to provide water (he gets municipal water), but it is full of chlorine. Not sure which water source is better?!

I have 3 more girls that are about 3-4 weeks old in the cab as well. For these, little to no perlite was added.

Some pics.

Plant 1 - The healthiest of them all. How's this little girl look?


Plant 2 - Something is messing with this plant. The leaves are all curled and it just seems weak/feeble. Is the FFOF too hot? Or is my water causing this? (Wouldn't surprise me a bit)




Plant 3 - Not as healthy either. The claw suggests some toxicity of sort. Any ideas? Could it be the water again?





Well thanks folks. Sorry for the super long pic heavy post, but I figure its better to be thorough than to lack information!

Take care,

While I can't help you with diagnosing your plants, I think they look pretty good. Tight internode spacing and nice color in the leaves; the buds look really dense too. I think you have a nice little grow going there.
Thanks Montag! This is my 4th auto grow. Maybe I am a little too critical. Results will really show in 3-4 weeks when harvest comes.
plants llok great considering you can monitor ph! :)

def get a ph pen for your water... mel snows (i do) and bubble it for 24 hours... huge difference!
also get a soil/ph/moisture/fertility meter... about 20 bucks on ebay

keep your soil and water at 6.3-6.5... I'm quite sure your curling issues are caused by your water... hope you switch quick as heavy metals are really bad for you whether smoked or ingested.
Hope this helps..


ps - thanks for sharing your pix with us we love our canna-porn!
John M, Thanks for the advice! I will go grab a shovel-full of snow off the deck and put it by the woodstove!

I will take a look at meters. Not sure if I am looking for a soil probe or a pen? Any suggestions on a reliable meter?

Thanks again
Plants look great IMO buds loo even better.

here is a cool link for some ph and ppm meters cheap and reliable shipping and service. I have used them 3 times and I am very happy. I have the "Martini' and I love it.
Thanks AutomaticGrower,
I'll take a look through them and some reviews. In the mean time, snow is melting!!!

Trich production is JUST starting. Im excited to see them in a weeks time!
Looks good gurls are nice and green I would go with tha melted snow or municipal for watering your gurls get some good water and do a nice flush they should be okay after tht. How's tha smk ?
Yup melted snow is good to go for sure.

I like the structure of that one in the grapefruit bottle. Little banger!
2011/02/12 - UPDATE

Hi folks. Week 8 from seed. Thought Id give my weekly update.

Here come some pics!

The tent all lit up:

Now lets start with Plant 1:
She is swelling up nicely. Some pistils are turning orange and the trich's are really starting to fill in. Two more weeks n chop chop for her. No more feeding. I might try feeding with molasses to increase aroma. What'cha think?






Plant 2:
The main cola on her is FAT! It's the size of an apple!









Not sure if all the macro bud shots belong to plant 2 here. A couple might be plant 1. I forgot to write this down.

Well, how do they look? Like I said, 2 more weeks until I give them the ax.

Any thoughts on molasses?
Worth it?