Live Stoners Sour Crack- Day 19


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Hello All-

After success from my last grow, there was no waiting to start another!

This time she is in plain Roots Organic soil with no GBD soil from Mephisto.

I watered and fed her 1/8 teaspoon of GO Grow nutes and an 1/8 teaspoon of GO cal/mag.

Hoping I can get same results as last harvest.

Soil- Roots Organic
Lights - Solar Flare 220 LED
Water - distilled
Nutes - GO Grow, bloom and cal/mag.

Follow my journey with pics attached.



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Hey @Jackson !

Sour Crack seems to be a popular and potent strain around these parts! Good luck on your grow! I hope you grow some beautiful buds!

Keep us updated! Rock on! :headbang:
Got a question folks. As I am not using a super soil mix, I fed her an 1/9 teaspoon of GO Grow nutes. Should I continue feeding her on a weekly basis and increase each feed or keep feeding her the same amount or every other week?


@Eyes on Fire @namvet25 @budelee &waira
Good morning @Jackson ...i would say to keep the feed strength at the same level for a week or so rhen increase slightly..also watch the leaves for any signs of deficiency as you may have to increase the geed frequency to a few times per she gets older/bigger,the strength and frequency may need to be increased again..some folks feed till they see slight tip burn and then they back off a little..i grow in coco so my schedule is completely different..hope that helps...are you checking ppm or pH?
Thanks budelee! Just checking the runoff and it's around 6,0. What about cal/mag from General Organics? Gave her 1/8 teaspoon along with Grow nutes last Sunday as well. I know and learned that with LED's the need for cal/mag increases
Hey @Jackson

I use GO cal/mag and it really works well, it's very hard to overfeed cal/mag, especially when using LED lighting. I Feed Cal/Mag on every feed!

And don't forget, when responding to others to either use the "@" symbol to tag them or hit the "reply" link in the bottom right of their post. That way people will get a notification! And if you forget to do it, you can just edit your post clicking on 'edit' link. :thumbsup::headbang:

Rock on bro!
Happy Growing!