New Grower Sour Crack Auto

Jun 28, 2018
Reaction score
mephisto genetics Sour Crack (1)
300 W LED - 132W actual
Root Organics formula 707
FF Trio
2 gallon fabric pot.

2ftX2.4ftX5ft IKEA cabinet for a grow room.

20/4 lights

I already have a northern Lights plant in this grow room, not sure if the 2nd plant will be to much but im new to all of this and figure I just need to try to grow 2 plants in the space to figure out if it is possible.

I picked sour crack since it is the smallest plant out of all the mephisto strains I currently have.

Just tossed the seed into a cup of water a couple of minutes ago.

Will put in paper towel in 16 hours and wait for the tap root.
good luck with the new start :thumbsup:
keep er lit
She popped up overnight.

Sprayed a couple sprays of water this morning.

Will be putting under the LED shortly.

Got a journal?

Im noticing that the sour crack is quick. much quicker to sprout, break soil, show the first 3 finger fan leaf than my other grow going right now - my northern lights.
Yep, check it out:

The SC is two days younger than two of my other strains (all different Mephisto strains), yet is already the tallest and its leaves will soon be bigger. I haven't taken new pics in a few days, but will be doing that in the morning/afternoon.

From what I've read, SC seems like Mephisto's fastest strain, at least compared to what else they have in stock at the moment. I got two as a freebie with my recent order. The first SC seed I incubated opened up with no taproot. I planted it anyway, but it was DOA. Things are proceeding smoothly now, though.