Eying up the Galaxy bro,very nice.
You always have a good eye bro :mrgreen:!

Unfortunate about the nute spash but they are looking fantastic man.
Thanks Grim, turns out that the splash might be the cause for a couple of rust spots but this girl is under severe deficiency now, and I have no idea what it's about.
Rust spots, curling up and drying leaves nearly necrotic.. I will take a pic now and upload it!
DieselAuto _ AutoGalaxy _ CreamMandarine Day 24




She has been receiving the exact same care as the others.. I really need to look into this!
Looks like a calcium def mate? What you thinking? Soil must be good since the other 2 are fine. Maybe the diesel is just a real calcium whore. Maybe giving a foliar feed then upping the calmag could sort her out mate
Weekly update, the girls have now started their stretch the tallest being the Diesel, the widest being the Galaxy.

Their respective feeds are a bit different now, the Diesel is getting more cal than the others and the Galaxy getting more N with added grow.
Slight leaf tips burn on the Cream Caramel are telling me to hold where I am at at for the moment, she is lil slow to kick in stretch but I am not worried!

AutoGalaxy _ CreamMandarine _ DieselAuto Day 27



AutoGalaxy Day 27


Cream Mandarine Day 27


DieselAuto Day 27



Did a foliar feed this morning of Cal/Mag, she is drying now. N seems locked a bit.
Could be a PH problem. I know you said they were getting the same and they are in the same soil but have you checked the PH run off of the deficient one? Some times the same soil can buffer the PH of each pot differently, dont ask me why but i have seen it happen before. Beside that man they look fantastic.
@TaNg the foliar did the job it seems bro This or I did give her a heavy water only feed.
@Grim Reefer Could well be bro but I will never fuck with PH again. This again could of been fixed with the wter only feed.

She is better now and reaching for the sky!

Thanks for the suggestions lads.
Update day 34.

I ve done my back in a bit, so left the girls in the tent for a quick photo. Also stretching me back and smoking some very lovely Mephisto SourHound does help a lot.. I will do a full update this week if I get a chance and my full capacities.

Tent shot.
To the left Auto Galaxy at the back Diesel Auto and to the right Cream Mandarin.
The Diesel is about 65 cm tall now with Galaxy on her tail at 60 cm and lastly the CM who still to make a run for the stretch at 30cm.
Galaxy is still showing some lightness on her leaves I hopefully I have addressed her need with some plain water and a couple foliars.


And some Sour Hound bud shot.

Smashing it Bro! Sour hound looks delicious. No doubt some Mephisto madness .