Outdoor SOUR 60 GROW OUTSIDE 2010



Hi Folks! Peace out! :drool: :peace: :drool:

I started an outdoors grow on Icmag:
Sour 60 . Never really finished it over there - so
i´ll end it here …

I have to admit that most of this is written after memory - (which is
pretty messed up, haha!)
So that dates and stuff might be a little…ehh….. Ok. you get
the point.
Also used snippets from my thread on Icmag:

The Sour 60 grow was from a very stable/uniform seed-batch.
Ended up with 9 Good females that i planted in two
groups. A group of 4 was planted in a rocky place- sunny&good drainage it was, quite dry…. that place had about 9 hours
direct sun,the other site had only 5-6 hours …but lots of
"dappled" light in the evening… had to remove
some fir-trees!

It´s growing fast and looking very healthy indeed, this S60!
Beatyful big plants… Not so much taller than 1m. but kinda broad.
(Some were up to 1.20 m. i think, didn´t measure.

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So nice really, this plant ; liked the uniformity &
vigour and the possible big production,
good geometry also.
Mmm, some buds where really promising, i tell ya!
And the smell, spicy, gold! Sweet!

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The earth used,was mostly from the site (Sandy, low Ph, less than medium fertile, and good drained, -in steep slopes) , So i mixed in peat-mix and lots of lime -
with my own well-matured kitchen waste-compost
(Works like magic!)
About 15-20% or so..

And very important, ( considering the pretty dry slopes - i used a handfull of water-retaining
crystals deep down in the hole. (About 60 Cm. deep)
Made an extra "hole in the hole", about 20Cm.deep & tigth
channel, and placed the crystals there.

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I used Copper rings against slugs..
Those rings do their things!
gives them some kinda elektro-stuff shock … .. . .

not killing them,don´t like killing, they just turn away!
Really works,not ONE slug.
Makes it more easy to water also -
if you level the ring,
in a slope.
Dog-shit placed around…. and hair also,
Good against elk & deer.

One day i spotted a really big elk-poop only 25-30 feet
away from the grow, it was still warm… and
i could see it was still damping… Almost a Psycedelic experience, believe me; fresh elk-shit smells good!
And the plants was safe.


Had to water the two grows about 5-6 times, … a dry summer!
At the grow with 4 plants, there is a fresh water
supply, only 2 - 3 minutes away -
guess i will fill that grow-spot up with more earth! A next spring
project, for sure. With a wood frame, so i get deeper roots,and
more moisture, hmm..

Oh yeah, the male lying down,doing his thing - works every time !
( Right?! )

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Had to break him down...stealing
Sunlight from the lady...But nice pollination.
That guy suvived all the way through!!

:hump: :clap: :hump:

And no fertilizers :

Quoting Mossy ( Wiz ) Icmag :

" One tip..that you may already know..But hey...

Most of the AF's I know will take cold conditions with good light..
if you see a period of Dank coming..
stop fert and flush.

Dank + ferts in AF's = mold.

Have a great weekend m8's... :toke: "

Then the weather hit them… and it hit them hard. :hot::firedevil::hot:
It rained for three days/nights, - pretty cold too, and windy.
So i went out the fourth day, bad vibes… the rain had stopped,
and wham! Mold. I could not believe it: 3 days -
3/4 lost.

That bud rot is developing fast! I Really and honestly believe
that if i had been harvesting about 25 hours before…i
would have had some "decent" unripe buds - guessing i
would have had at least, say - half of the harvest saved. Really.

( Lession learned: gotta move bloody quick if
you see mold, dude! )

Quite good covering of crystals on the small leaves actually...
Unsharp pic, but check it out:

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Another funny thing; after that rainy period, about start of September,i think it was almost two and a half
weeks of just warm,dry weather,… exactly what the
girls would have needed to get ready.

:drool: :drool: :drool:

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What a harvest it would have been.
It seemed that´those two weeks was what those plants
would have needed to get ripe.
Well, you just have to realize that outdoors
is full of surprises, don´t you!
ahh… life.

So there i sat down, pretty eeh.. out of balance,
and cleaned out the bad parts -
Not fun at all,wet/slimy inside, i had mold all over my fingers !
saved about 100gr. dry (guessing) Not so nice to smoke,
but it kinda works if you smoke like, double
or triple times more than usual.

Still have it in jars!
But they gave me lots and lots of big, dark, & ripe seeds,
those lovely plants….
Mold kills seed also, but i kicked out the bad ones, and
right now, Feb.1 - i got four exellent sprouts of them to
test out! (See Pic)

Def. my fault; I should have found some more sunny/windy spots, i guess. ( Strange thing: very little vind that summer 2010,
at least in my area… )
And of course, i am in no way blaming Mdanzig - i just did not do it right: He does it right!

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Making a "loose bud" version for my weather, might be
done through some years of selection, i´m sure. ( Make a
"Scandinavian version" for us, Mdanzig ! )
Mixin in some Sativa genes, perhaps?!

Woohooo !! :smokebuds:
Just found this one:

Post nr. 22 ….

:head: :drool: :head:

Thank you !
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Started out nice :D.. bloody mold eh?! To his credit, California is allot more arid than Norway. So it would take a few generations of selection for you to get one that works good where you are. Just sucks loosing so much to get there ;)

I really should drop the sour60's i have.. Been meaning to for AGES!!! I like the size of them.

I lost most of my hard work to a few hail storms last year. I was starting to feel like a storm chaser. Trying to beat the hail to the spot, to cover the girls up. The visit where i got the funnel cloud pics, i didn't make it in time. I know that feeling of getting there and finding disaster.

The memories of good years, keep me coming back.

Like you, all i really got last summer was some good seed.

Here's to hoping 2011 is better than the last.
Mornings Bailer! :toke:

"To his credit, California is allot more arid than Norway. So it would take a few generations of selection for you to get one that works good where you are."
"I was starting to feel like a storm chaser. Trying to beat the hail to the spot, to cover the girls up."

Hah! Tried that trix in my garden once (the ordinary garden) not a chance….

Hi Thai Buddha Man ! :D
Yeah, it started out really well, but it
took only three days to destroy it. Amazing!
Nice fellow norwegian,very informative thread:) u know your stuff:) Subbed here
Definetly, I love how you give such wonderful, clear, concise descriptoins... Sounds very similar weather wise to what i had here last summer... alsost lost my photos to mold for that rainy stretch of 3 or 4 days in sept.... lucklily all went ok and I yielded 42 oz for the summer from 19 plants... 2 kona mist and 17 SSH.... hoping I can doge mold problems this year with my autos.... will betrying to select sites that are not as conducive to mold. Anyway, really enjoyed reading your thread man... brought back a lot of good memoreis of growing both last summer and other years!

OOoh Thanks M8 ! :jump:
Wasn´t aware of your post...

Quote John Mondello:
"will betrying to select sites that are not as conducive to mold."

I think that is sooo important, maxing out sun & wind..

:dance2: :ladies: :dance2:
I saw that you use copper for keeping the slugs away from the plant. I had a thought that i can maybe use copperwire and lind around the stem so they can´t climb up the stem. I don´t know if you have done this, i didn´t see how you have used the copper. I wonder if anyone have tried this? Maybe this is used in most outdoor grows.


I have also heard that cannabis plants have a tendency to grow away from copper, so maybe this isn´t the best solution. Maybe is the best if you wrap it around the chickenwire? What do you guys think?