Live Stoner Chat Soon to be happy farmer

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Hi every one! Pretty new to all this, but after many years of hassle with low quality products and shady people I decided to go on my own.
As a perfectionist I like to read, inform myself and plan well ahead. After 3 weeks of head banging and research I finally settled into my setup. Was not easy since I have a tight budget.

For my 1st Setup:
1 x Dutch Passion - Think different
1 x Big Buddha - Critical Mass
1 x Samsara Seeds - Flash Babylon Automatic

1m2 Tent
1 x 240w Black star
4 x Sunblaze T4 Strips (one on each corner of tent, 2 of each temp)
1 x 125w Feliz CFL 6500/2700 (first on top, but if canopy gets dense i would like to drop one down the middle in a cage)
3 x 11L Smart Pots
FoxFarm Ocean mix soil
Flora nova Grow and Bloom

It would be great if the crew here gave me any input if theirs any thing you think is missing or wrong. I would have loved to get Penetrator lights but their to expen$ive. For all the HPS lovers out there...I know its still the best hands down, but heat was a big no no with summer around the corner, and I don't want 6" fan howl 24/7 either.
Hey there man and welcome. Nice pick of strains you got there. Be careful with multiple strains on your first run, as they all will act a little different so more to keep up with and stay on top of. I am growing a Critical Mass now she is a hearty beast, she has been stunted almost her whole life and is just now flowering but is very tough.

Blackstars are great, good job. And I assume you mean T5 strips, not T4.

Also, I recommend getting something other that FF Ocean Forest to start your seedlings in, such as FF Light Warrior or Jiffy seed starter mix from Walmart, not sure of your area.

Good luck, we're here if you need us :D
Welcome to AFN hazin! :smokebuds:

Sounds like you're all set up for a great start! You've chosen some great strains too. The only thing I see that might possibly be an issue is the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Some people have found that it can be a little hot for certain auto strains. Others have used it with no issues. Hopefully someone with FFOF experience can chime in.

You'll love the 240W Blackstar. I have two and I've been really impressed. Great performance for the price! Look forward to following along with your first grow :smokeit:
Blackstars are great, good job. And I assume you mean T5 strips, not T4.

Also, I recommend getting something other that FF Ocean Forest to start your seedlings in, such as FF Light Warrior or Jiffy seed starter mix from Walmart, not sure of your area.

Thanks for the welcome!, I meant 4FT T5's :P To kick start the seedling I bought some jiffy pods with the included greenhouse, Im thinking of adding some Rapidstart to boost root growth.
sounds like a great pick... start your seeds in unferted soil mix tho... like promix bx... autos can be real sensitive to hot soils (like ffof) even if you have to put a little 2" x 2" "plug" of unferted sil for your seeds... happy growing karma sent mate! :smokebuds:
Thanks for the welcome!, I meant 4FT T5's :P To kick start the seedling I bought some jiffy pods with the included greenhouse, Im thinking of adding some Rapidstart to boost root growth.

Well would you look a'here. Someone did a little homework before getting started. :clap: I am being completely serious. I respect those new members that do that. We are more than glad to help out, but we do encourage one to do a little research before asking a bunch of really basic questions. Plus, there is a ton of info on here that can be found easily using the search bar.

Again, I commend you, sir.
I was hesitant picking soils, but after much that I read it seemed that FFOF packed enough of the repsctive punch for the autos to thrive with just having to care about water and light. I almost went with Happy Frog. Im still reading about plant nutrients and medium PH, if these babies grow nice I plan on integrating a hydro bucket.

Heck!!Squidherb: Suggest me a soil you think suits best for the Critical and ill give ti a run side by side with the others.
Keep your soil ph around 6.4-6.6. I recommend checking out all the sticky threads at the tops of the sections. Look in the New Growers Forum and in whatever section is appropriate for your setup. I am sure you are aware of some of this but just in case you're not, I wanted to put this information forth.

Also, here is a really cool ph chart. Save this.

Holy crap, someone actually did their homework first? :thumbs: Looking good! I'd make sure to get a ph meter of some kind as well, ph problems do pop up. Looks like you've got your bases covered except for some seed starting soil, but squiddy and JM got that covered for you. Welcome to AFN!