Well, unforeseen visitors came and went today and hoping they don't return (thank goodness I knew they'd show up eventually). I brought the 3 autos back in the house. Left the photos outside. Got some friends who want clones. That's cool. I just can't bring them back inside. I was way over my head with room and 6 plants. I don't like them out there, but they aren't budding and they don't smell. They are pretty well hidden, although not alot of sun, but it's still Florida so doesn't really mean shit around here. I thought I was going to cry when I left this morning with the kiddo for league bowling and it was pouring rain. All I could think of was they were in the backyard and there was nothing I could do about it. I googled everything and half said the rain wouldn't hurt them and the other half of the shit I read said the rain would ruin them. Super happy when I was able to bring them back inside and put them home under their lights. Gonna let the autos sit a few more days. Hoping my new seeds get here soon so I can pop 2 new seeds and start all over again!! Will try to get some pics tomorrow. Timer already went out tonight.