Something to think about:

  • Thread starter Thread starter JM
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I dig watching this guy. So many speakers are so boring to watch. Like they're just spitting out facts. He just has a nice energy. You can feel that he is passionate about what he's saying.

He blew my mind in this video when he says it's his belief that all the millions of acres fallow fields are a bigger culprit in the release of carbon than the exhausts we create. It makes total sense.

Thanks for introducing me to this guy JM.

I'm with officinalis and got to say a big thanks JM.
I hadn't heard off of Jerry Brunetti before, I had a quick look through the videos that you and officinalis posted and looks to be very interesting stuff.
I will watch them through properly later, but a first glance it look to very well thought through information.
Thanks again guys
Glad you liked too brother.:gthumb:

With videos like the one I posted with little or no visuals, I like to use a web converter to make the video into an mp3 so I can listen to it on the go. Just google youtube to mp3 and insert the link then download. I do it from my phone all the time.
Thanks JM, interesting stuff.