Got updates up till now on 1st post.
I snuck a few updates in there lol. Thought i told you take the week off haha. A man working his week off. Good man indeed
Pops up date Solo cup. w/ Bud Porn
Room temp 80
r/h 35-55
ph water 6.5
ITs been a learning experience on this grow.
I will get to the end but what I get will be a question.


here here folks. today is selection day. pick your plants and onward we grow.
some ups and downs so far and now is the tough part of the comp. keeping the flowering gals happy.
ill be checking for updates and strain of selected plants through out the next few days. ill edit 1st post in with selected plants strain for those who remain standing.

and for those who have had to drop for various reasons. we miss you and hope to see you growing again soon