With great power, comes greater responsibilty....
Coco is basicaly hydro, with more root support, so you can tailor design your nute everyday,get much better results,bigger root, thicker stalk meanning much higher yield, but your errors affect the plant much faster as there is no soil buffer effect.
Coco must be amended with perlite or similar inhert aerating agents.1/3 seems the magic number for me.
Coco MUST be buffered before use. Meanning being washed and soaked in calmag for 24hrs to replace the Na present with Ca.
Coco must stay wet(not soaked neither dry) as ph of coco change radicaly when dried.
Except for the beginning of root formation after seedling when slight dryness promotes the search for water of the roots.
Plants in coco need higher calmag supplement through their life than those in soil or hydro.
Depending on your coco age you might need more or less flush as even if you dont overfert(which is hard for me even after 10 years of pro grow! Lol) coco releases Na as it decomposes.
All that being said, my three best grow related decisions has been: coco, 1000w hps lamps and house and garden nutes. Specially root excel, drip clean and amino.
Good luck