Promix is basically a base mix. What you may be interested in is a "Super Soil" Added ammendments to a base soil to feed the plant for the full cycle. I have made my own, and there are many recipes on site in the organic soil section. Hit me up if you need help finding that. Here in CA, they have super soil mixes you can buy by the truckload, yard, or bags. I bought them buy the yard $90, and bags $16 (approx.)
To the original question, is the OF good for outdoors. I have used it, but I find it needs more perlite than it has. Then you will have to add some nutrients, etc., and seedlings shouldn't go directly into the OF unless you cut it with something like Light Warrior (probably 75% light warrior.) Also, you mentioned it was wet where you live, maybe adding some coco choir (sp.). and use something to protect against molds and mildews. keep a fan on it if you can, it helps with wet conditions ( we kept a fan on our outdoor plants as well). That should get you started. If you have more questions, check out this thread...
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