Outdoor Soil Recomendation

Sep 20, 2016
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I'm sure it has been posted here before but I can't find it. Is there a soil recommendation for growing Autos out side? I have 5 & 7 gal pots with good drainage. Growing indoors I used Fox Farm Ocean Forest, is this recomended for outside also. Very important: We have very wet and rainey conditions here.
Thank you
I'd like to know as well. I've tried pro mix outside with controlled notes and wasn't all that impressed. So this time I've hiked out sea soil, mushroom manure, and a product called my soil...plus closer to next summer I'll also add in the worm castings. I'm growing in 5 gallon and ten gallon fabric grow bags.
I'm sure it has been posted here before but I can't find it. Is there a soil recommendation for growing Autos out side? I have 5 & 7 gal pots with good drainage. Growing indoors I used Fox Farm Ocean Forest, is this recomended for outside also. Very important: We have very wet and rainey conditions here.
Thank you
For me, Lavaman, I use the same mix indoors and out, a modified version of the Easy Dirt:
Our days get very hot and RH values in the teens or lower during the summer, so I do add about 10% vermiculite to anything outdoors. :peace:
Hey, sorry it took so long. I'm at work and they wanted something out of me today..

For outdoor plants i always use promix. I just started using the hp so no real conclusive data on that.. I normally run promix bx with some oyster shell mixed in. If your growing in cloth pots the plant will root through the pot. I've never had a disappointing crop using promix.
Hey, sorry it took so long. I'm at work and they wanted something out of me today..

For outdoor plants i always use promix. I just started using the hp so no real conclusive data on that.. I normally run promix bx with some oyster shell mixed in. If your growing in cloth pots the plant will root through the pot. I've never had a disappointing crop using promix.
Thank you.
Yeah but promix only seems to come with the mycoactive stuff. Otherwise there's no good nutrition in it. What should we be mixing in with that promix is what I am trying to learn. I tried controlled release ferts and I wasn't that impressed. What about liquids or organic things like mushroom or horse manure?
Yeah but promix only seems to come with the mycoactive stuff. Otherwise there's no good nutrition in it. What should we be mixing in with that promix is what I am trying to learn. I tried controlled release ferts and I wasn't that impressed. What about liquids or organic things like mushroom or horse manure?


Promix is basically a base mix. What you may be interested in is a "Super Soil" Added ammendments to a base soil to feed the plant for the full cycle. I have made my own, and there are many recipes on site in the organic soil section. Hit me up if you need help finding that. Here in CA, they have super soil mixes you can buy by the truckload, yard, or bags. I bought them buy the yard $90, and bags $16 (approx.)

To the original question, is the OF good for outdoors. I have used it, but I find it needs more perlite than it has. Then you will have to add some nutrients, etc., and seedlings shouldn't go directly into the OF unless you cut it with something like Light Warrior (probably 75% light warrior.) Also, you mentioned it was wet where you live, maybe adding some coco choir (sp.). and use something to protect against molds and mildews. keep a fan on it if you can, it helps with wet conditions ( we kept a fan on our outdoor plants as well). That should get you started. If you have more questions, check out this thread...

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