Indoor Soil Ph Troubles

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The crushed dolomite lime should also work. It will take a few days before you see a difference in the pH. As to your seedlings dying, are the stems getting thin and brown right at the soil level? If so, it's called damping off. Mix 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 quart of water and spray them twice a day with it.
i use happy frog. ive never checked the ph of the soil it self but i never have ph or nute probs. i dont use jiffy pots for seedlings only clones. i plant str8 into the happy frog. i think your initial low survival rate is do to sumthing other than ph. are you drowning them as seedlings? is your room getting to cold? seeds and seedlings are very succeptable to to temps under 70 f. even if its just the floor being to cold. try using a heating mat.
That's a simple lesson I learned from my last grow. I am going to really check my soil ph before I tier my plants this time. It'll save me the hassle of realizing my soil ph is screwed up 3/4's of the way through my grow.
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