New Grower soil or dwc

Jan 19, 2015
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Im starting my first grow with autos an im torn between 4 gallon soil pots or 4 gallon dwc what work best and how many cfl do you think i need for 4 plants
i personally would go with soil and a panel of T5's,but straight up CFL's will do alright but imho better for soil if your running smaller single cfl's or several U bulb tubes n the like.
thanks alot bro my space is 6x2x6 is that enough for 4 autos and what type of soil is best for autos
well thats kinda hard to say want to grow chem or organic? organic soil is heavier and chem is an aerated 30% or so mix by volume of small perlite should be added to a sterile mix or soilless with two of so amendments and thats it pretty is a little more involved but better wuality and TLO is a little more pricey and even more involved but i can PROMISE you youll have thee best buds in town man LOL

but 6 feet wide by 2ft deep and 6 high..? thats a fun shape lmfao yes you could do four in there.maybe even five depending on size of pots n all that jazz.but four or five under t%'s will do ya right imo. the width might be a little bit crowded so youll have to plan accordingly to manipulate slightly.not a ton but read up on it should do fine.
what do autos grow best in like whats ideal grow medium for them or whats the easiest for beginners lol
Explore the organic and dirt blogs on this site. From my experience as a noob you will screw up your first grow playing with nutes. Therefore, read, read and read some more. All your answers are on this site already.:goodluck:
thee absolute easiest is a TLO following that with solid quality and then chem and various feeding rituals of varying means lol and TLO is thee best as can prolly do a TLO 28 gallon total mix for roughly(including shipping when I did it awhile back) 40 bucks for the pack,a bag or decent soil,spag peat and/or coco whichever ya wanna use really for cost,some horto grade perlite and about 30 or so pounds of castings.set ya back something like(oh plus the Tote too) 40 bucks for the pack,20 some bucks for the soil (i like Dr Earth) 10 bucks for a bail of spagnum peat moss and the castings ofcourse. wait 45 days and voila.the easiest thing youll ever do. with decent conditions n the like,but its a hardy system and natural and a little harder to screw up too.
If i use just fox farm or whats nutes do i need and when do i need to start since both have lots of nutes in them
well since Dr earth changed their recipe a while back its more dense now and a nicer consistency too and works a touch better last time i used it.I use the black bag 1.5CF and add 2/3 cup lime sprinkled over the soil,and mix really well. then you can add about a 1/2 a rounded cup of a quality bonemeal,about 2-3 TBspoons blood meal,1 gallons perlite,1/2 cup azomite sprinkled well,with a cpl gallons of casting,prolly 5 pounds or so make sure you got a 25% or 30 % mix of perlite by volume,if you choose to use this method,so it should be nice and fluffy so you may want to add more perlite now and mix well.then there are others to add if you really wanna round out the bag but those should do swell if you blend the soil with a feed watering like a heavy molasses n a little fish and kelp liquid and mix it well evenly mixing the moisture well and let blend for two weeks or three for best results and you should be able to tea or soup it up with bubbled soup applications really well.I dont think i forgot nuttin.Im kinda baked LOL! you could add kelp and alfalfa meal too if you wanted.1/4 cup each.ive mixed a lotta bags of that stuff n that should do you good.did for me man.i souped a cpl times but brewed my feed mainly and big bloom as a sytarter feed.make sure you tier plant or plug plant your pot well of around 3 gallons or so n youll do great unless your water is really bad or other odd conditions.get a decent seedling mix such as black gold,and others like epsoma i hear is added thsi or NOR enriched with anything.straight seedling mix.try to get BG with big bloom.

all those additions will last through teas,re amending and adding other bags as its a future building thing as youll be thinking about as soon as you clean your new spot up man lol thats always done me good and thats bout all i got for ya man,Im tired n stoned.its bedtime LOL! well after I smoke another :smoke: