Extraction SoH's 1st Time Dry Ice Hash Attempt

One thing I've found out is that if you are gonna run it as an eth extract,the impurity difference between 73 mic and 220 mic won't matter because the eth "melts" the oils and it is ran thru the same mic final filter,what you get is more plant matter in the filter from the 220...the color,consistency and potency is pretty much the same,I'm not saying exactly the same....I am thinking of only running the 220 screen next time because in the end( of an eth extract) only the oils make it thru the filter anyway...I've heard of people loading a bho tube and extracting it that way as well...I have never froze the material before adding in the dry ice,I have no science to back it up ,but the temp of the DI "flash freezes" the triches which are knocked off first,this is why short durations on the shaking..after all the plant matter is -192.3 F it gets real easy to shake plant material thru the screen ..when I'm done with the third screen 73-120-160 the stuff is a fine powder dust..one last tip,the screens do/can get clogged which will make it seem like there is no more 73 micron stuff in there but at that point you might as well switch to the next looser screen, I have also heard of people puncturing the screens when trying to extract stems so cut them into small pieces ..
One thing I've found out is that if you are gonna run it as an eth extract,the impurity difference between 73 mic and 220 mic won't matter because the eth "melts" the oils and it is ran thru the same mic final filter,what you get is more plant matter in the filter from the 220...the color,consistency and potency is pretty much the same,I'm not saying exactly the same....I am thinking of only running the 220 screen next time because in the end( of an eth extract) only the oils make it thru the filter anyway...I've heard of people loading a bho tube and extracting it that way as well...I have never froze the material before adding in the dry ice,I have no science to back it up ,but the temp of the DI "flash freezes" the triches which are knocked off first,this is why short durations on the shaking..after all the plant matter is -192.3 F it gets real easy to shake plant material thru the screen ..when I'm done with the third screen 73-120-160 the stuff is a fine powder dust..one last tip,the screens do/can get clogged which will make it seem like there is no more 73 micron stuff in there but at that point you might as well switch to the next looser screen, I have also heard of people puncturing the screens when trying to extract stems so cut them into small pieces ..

Yeah I found out that stems puncture screens easy my first time using bubble bags and an ice water bath. Drill with a mixer on, mixing right in the bags. Not sure what I was thinking. First time, that's what. :rofl: Now if I do the ice water bath I mix everything up in a bucket, then POUR the mixture into the big workhorse filter. No chance of piercing then.

Shaking, I can see that, I actually saw some fibers of the screen coming loose during the shake. I have a bunch of stems I plan on trying soon, but I'll chop them down into much more manageable pieces.

I don't know brother, the 220 leaves sooooooo much crap in there. It's almost gross. The 120 is the one where I massed the largest amount of material. I understand where the wash part comes in, but I would think (just speculating) that it'd be better to start off with cleaner material from the get-go. I built a huge tower of pop bottles and coffee filters (like... 6 or 7 of them or something silly,) and the amount of CRAP that was caught even 3-4 filters down was pretty astounding. Lot of a waxy material. Plus it might make the draining process faster with less material clogging the initial filter.

I guess we could just try it. :rofl: You know, I've got... three plates, one is 73 micron, one is 120 micron, and the last is 190 micron. I could try a small test I guess and see how each comes out. Have a 3/4 bottle of everclear in the freezer and a 3/4 full bottle of 91% iso. I'd be down to try it at least.
Yeah I found out that stems puncture screens easy my first time using bubble bags and an ice water bath. Drill with a mixer on, mixing right in the bags. Not sure what I was thinking. First time, that's what. :rofl: Now if I do the ice water bath I mix everything up in a bucket, then POUR the mixture into the big workhorse filter. No chance of piercing then.

Shaking, I can see that, I actually saw some fibers of the screen coming loose during the shake. I have a bunch of stems I plan on trying soon, but I'll chop them down into much more manageable pieces.

I don't know brother, the 220 leaves sooooooo much crap in there. It's almost gross. The 120 is the one where I massed the largest amount of material. I understand where the wash part comes in, but I would think (just speculating) that it'd be better to start off with cleaner material from the get-go. I built a huge tower of pop bottles and coffee filters (like... 6 or 7 of them or something silly,) and the amount of CRAP that was caught even 3-4 filters down was pretty astounding. Lot of a waxy material. Plus it might make the draining process faster with less material clogging the initial filter.

I guess we could just try it. :rofl: You know, I've got... three plates, one is 73 micron, one is 120 micron, and the last is 190 micron. I could try a small test I guess and see how each comes out. Have a 3/4 bottle of everclear in the freezer and a 3/4 full bottle of 91% iso. I'd be down to try it at least.
I gotcha,here's a few pics of some stuff I ran about 1.5 months ago( I documented in eth extract thread),
The left side is 73 mic ,middle is 120 ,right is 160 ..with the same amount of eth,the return was about the same,the 73 left almost no "sediment" in the filter.while the 120 left more,and the 160 left the most,after it was purged down to shatter the return is about the same,not saying exactly the same,and I didn't analytically compare both I'm guessing potency was about the same cause it was the same plant just different purities to start,the eth is sort of an "equalizer" cause it only liquified the good stuff leaving the plant matter in the filter.this is from an observatory perspective tho,just thought it was worth mentioning..+ 1 for cutting the stems into smaller pieces,every part of the plant has something to offer !!!!