
Slightly Obsessed With Cannabis Photography
Cultivators Club
Nov 30, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Grease Monkey and Chemdogging
I tried searching for a thread that was already made, because i dont like clogging things up with repeats, but i couldn't find anything. Either it's buried or i am nor searching right.
I went in to get something from my flower room, and noticed that one of the tents had a cpl pinpricks of light coming from it.
Panic sets in
It is my BEST Ayahuasca, the purplest, prettiest clone of them all. And the timer broke, apparently. She's still got 3-4 wks left in flower. Plenty of time to screw me royally (literally)
What should I do? Is it better to just stick to her schedule, and turn her back on manually at the correct time, or should I start her 12-12 over from here? I turned the light off as soon as I saw it, of course. And she's in EXCEPTIONAL health. What's done is done. She was supposed to go off at 5am, and it was 12.40 when i saw the light on. Thats a LOT of extra time.
She's supposed to go back on @ 530pm, so i have a little bit of time before i need to make a decision, but not much. Thanks for the help guys. I've missed by a few min to an hr. before. thats why i got the timer. Its a cpl years old now. I shouldve been watching for it, but i wasnt.
Just go back to original schedule.
Just go back to original schedule.
thanks for the help. It was already past the time:p no one saw it, till it was already too late. Ah well. She's only got about 2 1/2 wks in flower, so hopefully it wont hurt her too badly. It was on for... geez, almost a full work day. got her back to normal. No one answered at first so i started diving into scientific journals. Learned all sorts of stuff about hormonal cycles, and dark time. Meh. So turned out to be kind of a good thing
I tried searching for a thread that was already made, because i dont like clogging things up with repeats, but i couldn't find anything. Either it's buried or i am nor searching right.
I went in to get something from my flower room, and noticed that one of the tents had a cpl pinpricks of light coming from it.
Panic sets in
It is my BEST Ayahuasca, the purplest, prettiest clone of them all. And the timer broke, apparently. She's still got 3-4 wks left in flower. Plenty of time to screw me royally (literally)
What should I do? Is it better to just stick to her schedule, and turn her back on manually at the correct time, or should I start her 12-12 over from here? I turned the light off as soon as I saw it, of course. And she's in EXCEPTIONAL health. What's done is done. She was supposed to go off at 5am, and it was 12.40 when i saw the light on. Thats a LOT of extra time.
She's supposed to go back on @ 530pm, so i have a little bit of time before i need to make a decision, but not much. Thanks for the help guys. I've missed by a few min to an hr. before. thats why i got the timer. Its a cpl years old now. I shouldve been watching for it, but i wasnt.
:pass:no sweat on that Lilly, one partial day/night won't force a reveg' at all.... just get back on the usual sched' and you'll be fine!
Interesting strain, I hope she turns out nicely! I grew Barney's Acapulco Gold before, and they were both very good but very different,... Barney's is a bit scattered for pheno' work that I've seen,...
:pass:no sweat on that Lilly, one partial day/night won't force a reveg' at all.... just get back on the usual sched' and you'll be fine!
Interesting strain, I hope she turns out nicely! I grew Barney's Acapulco Gold before, and they were both very good but very different,... Barney's is a bit scattered for pheno' work that I've seen,...

This one's a pain. No matter what I do, I can't get any strength to her stalks. I had to do a double screen in the quantum tent, just so she didnt fall all over the place. I got her as a cut, so i didn't have to sift through phenos. It sucks though cause I had NO pm in there either, till she came in. She brough thrips AND pm. I've had to deal with the pm ever since. Took care of the other, once I realized what it was, but i can NOT seem to get rid of the pm. I've treated and treated. I've even bleached my walls. Nothing.
This one's a pain. No matter what I do, I can't get any strength to her stalks. I had to do a double screen in the quantum tent, just so she didnt fall all over the place. I got her as a cut, so i didn't have to sift through phenos. It sucks though cause I had NO pm in there either, till she came in. She brough thrips AND pm. I've had to deal with the pm ever since. Took care of the other, once I realized what it was, but i can NOT seem to get rid of the pm. I've treated and treated. I've even bleached my walls. Nothing.
Clones: Rule #176: quarantine EVERY cut you are given for a minimum of 10 days. Those 10 days should be spent treating the clone with your ipm routine... Missing the light schedule for one day won't hurt.. But you'll want to take over the pin holes in the tent. What you don't want is light leaking into the tent, which can cause the plants to herm.
Si can help strengthen the stems, cell walls etc.,... best used at low levels all the time, so it can be incorporated like a special mortar... even then she may be like some of the C99 pheno's out there, very weak stemmed no matter what...
...ducting may harbor spores, since that bleach wipe should have done the trick...of course anything else in there may be coated as well, lights, pots, cords,.... the plant itself can never be rid of it totally, the hyphae go internally and the spores are beyond small,...
Another mode of attack is with microbial agents that kill PM. Actinovate, Armory, and now here at AFN is RotBlock - :thumbsup:..check them out!
Si can help strengthen the stems, cell walls etc.,... best used at low levels all the time, so it can be incorporated like a special mortar... even then she may be like some of the C99 pheno's out there, very weak stemmed no matter what...
...ducting may harbor spores, since that bleach wipe should have done the trick...of course anything else in there may be coated as well, lights, pots, cords,.... the plant itself can never be rid of it totally, the hyphae go internally and the spores are beyond small,...
Another mode of attack is with microbial agents that kill PM. Actinovate, Armory, and now here at AFN is RotBlock - :thumbsup:..check them out!

(As far as the pin light goes. I have the tent covered with a blackout curtain, where the light comes through the zippers. I habitually flip it up as I walk past, to make sure things are off, when ihave to grab something from that room. Thats how i saw the light. I do keep the pinholes covered. I wish they made a tent without a zipper that large, because its a real light hazard. I've done good, so far, and have only hermied one. )

yeah I use the Si, actually, to help strengthen. this pheno is just floppy. I've tried all SORTS of stuff, seriously.:/ I finally ended up just tying the thing to the ceiling, to keep it from breaking itself. I seem to be having some better luck with the double screen, Si, and the Connoisseur Sensi I've been feeding this round. She's still weak, but seems to be holding her own head up, and she'll be flushing soon.
I've been treating with the Green Cleaner, both before and after the bleach. I did a COMPLETE scrub. walls, ceiling, floor, tents, pots, cords, lights, everything!
It was starting to drive me nuts, until winter set in, and my ceiling started to turn grey by the window. it seems to be getting wet, and I'm in the process of switching rooms in my house to see if the roof has something to do with it, like im starting to think. It seems to be centralized on the auto closet, which is a large walk-in i converted. It has an open vent to the crawlspace, which I can't plug. Maybe moisture getting in that way, or whatevers by the window?
I just don't know if it's the same type of mildew on the plants as in the roof. (Damn living in a condo. Can't move. I own it. I can't just pay someone to fix my roof. Everythings done by committee) The new room is opening-free, water-damage free, carpet free, and has an open layout w/ceiling brackets already mounted in. I've wanted to switch ever since i grew out of my closet, but i was lazy. Now im paying for it. (closet is wood floored)
Would the roof have an affect on it? I'm moving them anyways, but i'm curious. I WILL look into those other products you mentioned. What I'm using isn't working all the way, unless I keep spraying every week. I can't do that, so i'm moving things as they go into flower, and playing tetris till everything's moved.
Before i brought the cut in, i hadnt treated at all. Like i said, it was completely PM free, for over a year. I didn't really realize how lucky i was until i caught it, and started looking into treatments. Now i kick myself every time i look at AYP. shes a beauty, but worth it, after everything accounted for? no, I don't think so.
Do you have pics of infected leaves? PM comes from more than one type of mold,... this may be a more nasty type other thing in potential play here is that cut may be weak against such pathogens, hardly uncommon...
With what you've done and said, it sure could be a different source of origin,... Mold is so ubiquitous, all the time, everywhere... those damn spores are like large molecules! That vent opening, not sure I get the picture on this,.. can you slap some moisture barrier/visqueen over it? What kind of T and RH% is in the room itself, and the tent? Crawlspaces are nice breeding grounds for molds!
the room itself hovers between 65-75 F, and 45-65 humidity. There for a while in the summer I had some real humidity problems, and had to get a dehumidifier to get it under 80. (YEAH. ouch)
I have to get a ladder to get the hole in my ceiling. It is where a light used to be, that got pulled out before I bought the place. It had something over it, till it fell recently. thats how I realized it was a hole. I think the moisture finally got to the duct tape holding it up.
I do not have any pics of the mildew right this moment, but the next time i see some, I'll snap pics of it. I have to do a hunt tonight, when im done with work, so ill probably have one later.
What it looks like... its whitish, sometimes a pale grey. it comes on in circles, the leaf starts to turn this sort of sparkle, like it has miniscule droplets on it, but its not wet, and the drops are flush with the surface of the leaf. once it starts, it looks dusty, and get whiter the more it grows Most of what I can see is at the nodes, and where the leaves touch the base of the buds. It usually does not extend out onto the leaves, unless it startout out there as spots. When you touch it, it brushes off very easily, like ashes. has a slight hairiness to it though when its mature. Does this help? I will get some photos when i find some.
The tents are at about the same as the closet. I havent seen any sign at all in the tents, unless i stop spraying for more than 2 wks. The closet on the other hand, Is driving me to distraction. I'm seeing mildew while spraying, and I have started to pinpoint it to one side of the closet, more than the other, which makes me think even more it has to do with the crawlspace, now. Maybe the cut brought it in, and now it found a thriving place in my wet ceiling, which i didnt know was wet till it started to turn grey too, bout 3-4 wks ago, when it started to get really wet around here.