Live Stoners snapped main stem off

Yea I have two more, I purchased 5 so far the 3 I germinated all came out. They all vegged really well, hell I had one that flowered in 3 weeks. They do well then just go to shit after that. I give them Cal Mag, Micro Nutes, Kelp Extact. Use distilled water, ph between 5.8 to 6.4 I add what ever check the ph let it sit over night atleast 14 to 24 hours check ph again. Spray til it runs out the bottom. I put some rocks in the bottom that have washed well in the bottom of my planters for extra drainage. I can't come up with the money for a RO unit, plus really don't have under the sink space for it. I wish they made a unit that would hook up to the facet end. Sometime I wonder if I should just use tap water, but I worry about ppm's. I think I am going to grow out the two in the tent now, the other plant that is month old looks good and in flower. It's in F Farms just giving It Kelp extract and cal mag half strength for now. When should I start with micro nutes.thanks for ur help. Sorry to be a pain in the A
Do you have any pics of the suspect hermie? I use my tap water and let it bubble, just strange having the same thing happen again unless its the seeds and thats possible.
No after finding the plant had pollen sacs all over it, I pulled it out of my tent and down the garbage disposal it went. Couldnt risk it
I dont blame you. Who is the breeder? Maybe we can research them for some advice. Is there a chance these are regular autos and not female?
No, they shown all female characteristics until about 5 weeks into flower. Then the plant goes to shit. I have given it all the right nutes and micros. Good soil, light Temps avg. 76 humidity about 45%. Lighting is right, air circulation is good. I have given my plants some Grandmas Unsulphured molasses. Just don't know
There are some sketchy genetics out there that are prone to hermie. Not your fault.
That just sux man
20171014_222030.jpg the first one was plant 1 this is plant 2
They getting bloom food? Looks like p def, maybe. Its hard to tell from those pics.
They get a 0-50-30 Beastie Bloom