New Grower Snag a Grow Tent or Fine Tune The Closet Space?


May 29, 2016
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Hey whats up guys! I have a quick question on what you would do... before the question here is what my closet is and what im working with. Im on a very limited budget and am on my first grow.

I currently have a nice size closet space (for me and what I need). Its 2.5ft in depth x 4.5ft wide x 5ft tall (then I have a shelf above that that is 3ft tall). (30 inches depth x 51 wide inches x 60 tall inches)

I built a 20inch x 20inch x48 inch box to veg my plants while I save up to grab a tent and some new LED lights in the next week and a half.

In the closet the temperature has been steady at 81-84 degrees with a 41%-51% humidity night/day. It gets down to 50's at night outside although in the closet its never dropped below 81.. (I am getting a fan to drop it down a little lower to the 77 mark.)

My friend says I should just DIY my closet and invest in a better light although I feel I should grab a tent to help with later in the grow and upgrade my light l/ add another later on..

Should I convert my closet by going to get some Insulation and put it on my closet walls and floor or would you recommend to grab a 24x48x60 tent? If you need a pic I will upload..

Should I go the tent route or a DIY the closet space? I think I should be able to grow 2 plants in that space fine while having another 2 in veg 30 days later ready to get going so there is a continuous cycle of harvest every month or so.

Any thoughts or advice would be great. Thanks in advance
I just lost everything so I'm going to use the closet in the room I'm staying in for next few months.
When I return home I will get a new tent and everything I just got done spending over thousand dollars on set up got 1 1\2 grows before hurricane.
I do not have the money right now so closet, 400 watts cfl, it has a vented door so at lights out won't go in the room those 6 hours putting black out screens over windows.
I ordered some fox farm nutes and cal mag got my soil and perlite and 2 pots from Walmart I had seeds so I've spent 100.00 and that's all I'm spending on this grow the cfl bulbs were given to me different watts and colors beggers can't be choosers.
It might not work for crap were I'm staying is getting cold and will get colder I'm not worried about heat.
Tents are not that expensive and I will set new ones back up with everything needed a good environment is needed for getting great results but for know will be happy with some smoke lol Closets can work but will have to spend money to set up right.
I must say my daughter is very interested in this so I see myself getting this closet done right before I leave so she can try growing.
If you're on a budget... A little white paint in the closet and your golden. Don't buy insulation, use that money to buy a fan. If you're putting in a led the 81-84 will be just right. The only $ you should need to spend would be some kind of air exchange and maybe a filter. I was a closet grower for a long time. You can pull a good harvest with enough air and light.