Grow Mediums Smoky Mountains.. still smokin' !


let's go, let's gooo
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey all. I was a member of this forum for quite some time before I ran into legal troubles. I did ~84 days in county before I was levied my bullshit fines. I didn't want to come back because I was paranoid of everything going on. I started to return back in March '12 but soon after I was in a severe car accident that put me in the hospital for ~3 months and put me through about 30 surgeries. With all that said and out of the way, I'm back! I've got two girls in flower that I plan on taking some snaps of and posting as well as offer any help / insight I can.

I guess the admins didn't think I'd come back because my account was deactivated and I had to re-register. They know though, once a farmer, always a farmer! :D

Look forward to seeing some of the old heads if they're still around!

Now to find my New England logo for my Avatar.. hmm..
Hey man! Glad you're back! We had some issues with the site a few weeks back and are still sorting it out. The Admins are working on restoring old accounts that got deleted and merging them with your new one. Head over here and it'll fill you in and you can list your old and new username for the Admins reference. Take care! :toke:
Ah that's cool, sounds good. I'm glad to be back. This community was the best and most non elitist one I've ever been a part of. I look forward to contributing!
Welcome back whatsgoodie! :smokebuds: I'm sorry to hear about the legal bullshit you had to go through and I'm very happy to hear you came through the crash ordeal well!
Big Green Grow Karma on the way for your garden and the best of vibes for you... :wiz:
welcome back whatsgoodie :group:
Welcome back whatsgoodie, sorry to hear all the trouble and suffering. Best of luck, sending good karma to ya. :smokebuds:
Awesome to see familiar faces! Jackal and sniper still here too! Awesome to see you guys. I need to catch up on everyone's grow log and see how much everyone has grown (pun intended!). Yeah, the legal stuff sucks. I'm on 24 months probation now, got about a year left. I think the accident was what made me realize paranoia and such just wasn't worth it. I don't have any bud pictures yet (lights on in 2 hours, will have to post then!) but I do have some shots from my leg..

This is my leg after about three weeks in the hospital, off life support for one week.. I lost the muscle/flesh in the wreck, they had to keep a woundvac on it and take it off everyday and clean it and then every 2 days I'd go for surgery to remove dead/infected tissue.

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This is after I got home and they put a new fixator on, got this taken off in the middle of November..

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Whatsgoodie!!!! Welcome home bud! Oh my god on the leg!!!!! :no:

Healing kharma your way mate.... you're hangin in there like a solider! cheers!

glad you are back... you were missed mate!

Your account thing was a site issue... not anything on your part...

Welcome home

:smokebuds: :dance2: :dance: :beast: :jump: :booya: :hug:
Whoa that is hardcore! You rock dude! So glad you're ok. :D
Haha, thanks for the karma! I appreciate it, it usually works! Yeah, it sucked and I'm going to walk with a limp the rest of my life but sure beats the alternative! Those links are cool JM, I never knew Wiz was a chick! Love the new forum title icons.. always making things easier and more defined, you'd think you work for Google! =P