Grow Room Smoking Room Exhaust


Cultivators Club
Mar 13, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Cheese XXL by Dinafem
Hi everybody,

Does anyone employ an exhaust system for their smoking room? I'm considering installing a ventilation system in my bedroom, which is currently the 'smoke room' in my house. Presently, I use a window fan to blow smoke outside when I smoke. However, we have pretty intense winters in my hometown, so I'd like to keep the window closed. I'm currently debating three options:

1. Installing an intake port in my bedroom ceiling, connected to a ducting system with an inline carbon filter and fan mounted in my attic. I plan on tapping into the existing bathroom exhaust fan ducting with a wye adapter, so essentially smoke from my bedroom and bathroom exhaust would vent to a single exhaust port on the side of my house. I think I'd have to incorporate a damper system as well to prevent potential backflow.

2. Using a carbon filter + inline fan system in my bedroom; no ducting or exhausting to the outside, simply re-circulating scrubbed air in my bedroom.

3. A heavy duty air purifier, such as the Rabbit Air MinusA2, which seems to be a popular option for indoor cigar smoking rooms.


Hi everybody,

Does anyone employ an exhaust system for their smoking room? I'm considering installing a ventilation system in my bedroom, which is currently the 'smoke room' in my house. Presently, I use a window fan to blow smoke outside when I smoke. However, we have pretty intense winters in my hometown, so I'd like to keep the window closed. I'm currently debating three options:

1. Installing an intake port in my bedroom ceiling, connected to a ducting system with an inline carbon filter and fan mounted in my attic. I plan on tapping into the existing bathroom exhaust fan ducting with a wye adapter, so essentially smoke from my bedroom and bathroom exhaust would vent to a single exhaust port on the side of my house. I think I'd have to incorporate a damper system as well to prevent potential backflow.

2. Using a carbon filter + inline fan system in my bedroom; no ducting or exhausting to the outside, simply re-circulating scrubbed air in my bedroom.

3. A heavy duty air purifier, such as the Rabbit Air MinusA2, which seems to be a popular option for indoor cigar smoking rooms.



I thought about this but I was leaning towards option 2. Maybe an 8 inch AC infinity fan on a 10ft length of ducting with two filters was my thought for a 16x9 room
I blow smoke into my veg tent and let the filter grab it. I like having the fan mounted in the attic to cut down on the noise, though it may not matter as much if you only need it periodically.

There's around 1200 cu ft in a standard 12'x12'x8' room. You probably only need 200-300CFM, a 4 incher may get the job done.
I blow smoke into my veg tent and let the filter grab it. I like having the fan mounted in the attic to cut down on the noise, though it may not matter as much if you only need it periodically.

There's around 1200 cu ft in a standard 12'x12'x8' room. You probably only need 200-300CFM, a 4 incher may get the job done.

Do you exhaust outside?
I just exhaust in the attic.