Indoor Small tent grow

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stoned-Slewish
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Hi I started my tent grow 4 weeks ago (tent 120/120/200mm) im using a 600w HPS duel spec 4"out take with carbon filter + small fan inside to flow the air 3 of my auto girls are 4.5 weeks old and just starting to flower. This is my first grow :help: trying to put as much detail as pos in, I have been using bio bizz bloom + grow on them from the 2nd week giving them 2ml of bloom and 2ml of grow in 750ml of water once a week wile using water the rest of the time when the soil dried ( standard soil ) just looking for any help as I have spotted some nute burn on some leafs. Any help :help: would be good will post some pics soon thanks all u wise stoners:thumbs:
:smokebuds:What is your ph in and out.You shouldn't have started bloom nutes so early but to late now.Stop the grow nutes,and stick with bloom nutes.Have you been using cal-mag?You shouldn't have any burn with the nutes but you used both at the same time so maybe this caused it.I would give them water only for awhile and see what happens.
Thank you for that info will keep on water for a wile I'm a noob so I have no ph testing equipment :crying: sorry agen what's a cal- mag :help: newbie here lol I also have 2 baby's wich are 2 weeks old only been on water in same soil and same tent what nutes shall I use and how? :bow: cheers NAMVET25
nice description of your setup SS but pics add so much more for all to see... the more eyes lookin gives quicker and more accurate diagnosis.

Cheers TOKE will take some pics tomorrow and up load them I also forgot to say I have had them all on 18hrs of light a day, how much light do you think is best
:booya::peace:cal-mag is calcium and magneseum used to keep your ph in line get a cheap ph test kit at a garden center if you cant afford a good ph meter. the ph should be 6.3or6.4 On your young girls give the only grow nutes after about three weeks and start with a week solution at first and up it as she gets bigger.Having your ph correct is very important for a succesful grow.I would only feed every other water just to be safe and add a little lime or cal-mag to you soil.
I think that they would like as much light as you can throw at them. Lots of people here use 20on 4hrs off, and some 24/0. nutes too early can stunt them, but they can still produce some quality bud. Esp with a 600. Can't wait to see the pics.
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View attachment 103050Well got the pics after 30mis trying to get the flash to work :cuss: as you can see some leafs have yellow typs ? (nute burn i think?) going to up the light to 20/4 and give the big ones only 2ml bio bizz bloom every other feed and the babys only 2ml of biobizz grow every other feed would you all think that is BEST? and welcom along insert loveing tyour new bag baby at the min cant w8 for the next pictures nice one going to have a :toke: now peace out
Also another thing could do with some help on not sure how much I should be watering them and nuting them because the soil is getting dry help please :help:
Whats ya medium? Light schedule....? Temps? :2cents:....don't think it would be nute burn ........I've used biobizz for couple of years...I ALWAYS put multiple nutes I add in the same probs...some leaves always turn during flowering.... 600w is a LOTof energy to digest...perhaps a lil heat prob??? Over-under watering...???
On watering...use weight of pot to determine when it needs it......don't overtend, don't overthink, have's the best thing to grow alonside ya babes.