Small developing issue, I think it is P deficiency


Non smoker
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
Hello everyone! Haven't been in here in a bit but I need some help in identifying a small developing issue. I had seen last run on only a couple of plants so chalked it up to sensitivity of those, changed the nute run, and it's back.

Running Jacks 3-2-1
Their grow schedule pdf is here:

Coco Coir - prebuffered, rinsed
1.5 gallon airpot
RO water
Plant is currently taking 1L twice a day. pH steady from 5.8-6.2 and right around 715ppm on the 500scale.
Runoff in the 200-30ml range and typically had been 800-850ppm and 6.1pH
Environment: 75-84f and 65-68%rh currently

The Jacks 321 I am running at 80% strength. Which is 3g part A, 2g part B, and 1g epsom salts per gallon. I do bump the epsom to about 1.3g/gallon. I usually see a little Mg def striping on the larger older leaves. Bumping the epsom a touch takes care of that.

The current issue: Last run, I used the Jacks Bloom product, 10-30-20, at the start of flowering. The chart says to use it for a week. A couple of plants developed dark patches on a few leaves that eventually turned into brown rust spots and spread. I had 2 plants that were a few days behind and I only used it for 2-3 days and they did not develop the spotting issue. This run I decided not to use the Bloom product at all and simply run the A/B/Epsom start to finish. I am at about the same point in the grow and the spots are starting to be visible to me again. I know my eyes aren't able to catch things early enough.

I believe this is a phosphorus deficiency? I am considering adding 1/2g per gallon of the bloom product for a few days to see if it helps. I will wait for expert advise before mucking about with the chemicals. I have read online that some people use an MKP, monopotassium phosphate 0-52-34 with the Jacks line going into bloom and adjusting the A/B formula down. Hence my idea to use what I have and add in the 10-30-20 bloom booster. Maybe 2g of everything per gallon? Just for 2-3 days?

Some images:

At day 43 everything looked fine. I am at day 47 now.

Day 43: The leaf that is touching the bamboo pole is one that the issue is very easy to see. Plus this shot shows it well prior.

Same leaf 4 days later: I shrunk the image on the post but if you click it you will get the full size.

Lights off, flash on


Whole plant:


Lights off just using the torch on my phone:


Curious what the pro growers think.

@Cave Dirt Cody - I know you run Jacks so if you have an idea I am all ears


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Too much Nitrogen, and or fertilizer over all. I would flush that coco and go back with a 15-10-20 and the Epsom Salt. at 700 PPM
I see. 15-10-20....

I have bags of:

15-6-17 (clone/seedling)

5-12-26 (Part A)
15-0-0 (Part B : Cal/Nit)

10-30-20 (bloom)

7-15-30 (finisher)

and the Epsom salts.

So @Mañ'O'Green - It looks like the clone/seedling blend at 15-6-17 is closest to your recommendation. Do you think a couple day flush with that +epsom salts would do the trick?
I see. 15-10-20....

I have bags of:

15-6-17 (clone/seedling)

5-12-26 (Part A)
15-0-0 (Part B : Cal/Nit)

10-30-20 (bloom)

7-15-30 (finisher)

and the Epsom salts.

So @Mañ'O'Green - It looks like the clone/seedling blend at 15-6-17 is closest to your recommendation. Do you think a couple day flush with that +epsom salts would do the trick?
That is too much nitrogen just go with Part A, The problem doing that is it will be short on Calcium. Can you get this:

soluble calcium sulfate.jpg

I got it on Amazon. Mix 1.5g per gallon. Add this to your nutrient solution last after everything else is well dissolved. This will add calcium and sulfur to the mix without any nitrogen. There is a 500PPM maximum solubilty for the soluble gypsum; we are adding ~ 110 PPM Ca 35 PPM S. Well under the limits. You do want to flush weekly when using this in coco.
Yes. Will do, thank you! And just to be clear, 1.5g/gallon or should I add in until it increases 110ppm to the total?
Just add 1.5g/gallon it will actually raise the PPM by ~217 PPM. It is 110PPM Calcium and 35 PPM of Sulfur per gram of Soluble Gypsum per gallon of water.
Not a pro and dont have advice just admiring your plant. Looks great! :d5: