New Grower Size smart pot for full organic soil grow

I like 3 gallon smart pots. Perfect for autos!
I'm not an organic grower but the best one I know is @Atulip

What ever he says to this I would go with. He's killing it right now with mephisto and organics
I think 3 gallon is the sweet spot for autos. 2 gallons I'm seeing smaller plants and some deficiencies in late flowering. Though I normally have deficiencies(too much mixing soil while high probably)

5gallons should accommodate the bigger autos and fits nicely with 1 plant per square foot. With proper lighting, a little LST, and adequate soil, I averaged 2oz a plant.(500g/m2) and I see defficiecies, I overwater, underwater, overfeed lol. Not an expert here, just trying to get more organic bud. :D