Sick Plant(s) Slight Yellowing leaves (magnesium/manganese)

Nov 10, 2012
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Hi guys, i have posted up here recently on my grow journal and decided i should have this problem in the infirmary, maybe someone who knows there stuff can diagnose these signs, i havnt much experiance with deficiencys,

the link is:

My medium is Plagron Light Mix,
My nutrians are Plagron Alga-grow, and alga bloom
Temps 29 oC, 600w HPS on 20/4

anyway im not too sure if its a manganese deficiency or a magnesium deficiency because the yellowing leaves started at the bottom and top not so much in the middle, it also looks to like the leave is sucking all the green out of it, the vains are green and between the vains is yellow/light green,

i fed these 1/4 mix of plagron alga-grow, on there 3nd week, and seen a small sign of burn on tips of leaves, this was after i seen the yellowing (thinking they needed some N)

I am not sure if its a lockout due to ph, i started off with bottled spring water about ph 7 it says on bottle, then descended to 6.8, now on 6.5, i give them a flush 3 days ago with 2 gal per pot of ph6.5 to flush all the stuff out, i mixed 0.5ml/5Lt of plagron alga-bloom yesterday and fed them and also folliar feed them. the plants are defintly growing, just worrying about the yellowing of them.

im pretty sure its a manganese deficiency, which i have read up to flush if it was the case, and to feed a small dose of nutes, i have done so, but not much signs of improvement. I am not too sure if its a magnesium deficiency, i have epsom salts here but im not sure if its this deficiency, its just hard to tell which is which they look the same to me

below are some pics, if anyone needs more, il post them up
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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they look hungry :pimp:and also keep ur ph between 5.8 and 6.2 hope every thing goes well for you and ur :ladies:
thanks longcanon.
but it looks like a deficiency, i tought the same when i first seen it starting to yellow, so i give it a dose of nuterians, which ended up making a slight burn on the leaves, so i know theres food there for them, should i just leave it? does manganese deficiency not spread and kill the plant? yea i have it ph 6.5 got my new Essentials Trident PH&EC meter today, cost a few quid but gona be worth it, im going to be lowering it on there next watering, just waiting for them to drink up after the flushing a few days ago. :smoke:

abit more info:
my soil says on the side its:

Ph (h2o) - 5.5 - 6.5,
E.C. - (symbol that looks like a backwards y s/cm) - 325-425
N.p.k (kg/ms) - 1.5
And N.p.k is 12-14-24

what about micro nutrains, could this help me?
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Mag deficiency I got same prob get some cal mag or epsom salts I'm getting mine today be quick to get either as this def has nearly killed my ak and now it's happened to my kvs good luck mate
Do not feed anymore as there's a deficiency and it will make the prob worse get some Epsom mixed up and foiliar feed mate and watch for improvement;-)
it dont look like just mag deficient to me

look like n on lower growth what ph is the runoff?

its most probs under or overfeeding (as they show the same symptoms)

or ph

if alga is organic id keep the runoff ph at 6.1-6.5
looking at the schedule you probs should be feeding 2.5ml alga a litre every water