Indoor Shumways SS#1 Run

Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score

Thought i would try to do a proper journal now that i'm doing things half assed the right way :lol:

-Short Stuff #1
-Soil is a ph'ed peat based mix with added perlite and fish bone meal
-150w hps (24/7)
-Advanced nutrients ph perfect 3 part base (G-M-B)
-Cabinet is 1.4sqft
-Pots are 1.8L square from FHD
-Still need to grab some cal/mag etc.

Started 6 seeds hoping for 2 or 3 fem's but to my surprise all 6 turned out to be fem's.

Day 19 now and things are looking pretty good compared to where i'm normally at :no:
Your girls look good.I'm not a firm beleiver of 24/7,but if it works for you great.Good luck the rest of the grow.
Thanks namvet

The only reason i really used 24/7 to begin with was for the heat since my basement gets pretty damn cold :p

Might change it to 20/4 to see how things go this round since its starting to get warmer now.
Hey there man. Looking good so far. I agree with namvet on the light schedule but I also see where you're coming from with the temps. You'll sort it out I am sure of it. Good luck sir.
Switching the light to 20/4 later tonight but i have to go threw and do all my wiring again 1st to make it happen :p

Culled 1 so i'm down to 5 now,Little bugger was pretty stunted and ragged looking from the old soil i used to sprout them in so instead of wasting space trying to revive it she got pulled to make room.

Also gave them the 1st dose of nutes last night @ 1/4 strength,I probably could have waited a bit longer but they sure did like it :D
Day 22 and thinking they are getting a bit too much N since they are pretty green but clawing a bit.

They have only got 1 feed under their belts but i think it was too soon since i did amend my soil some.

3 smaller ones are starting to pick up and put on some growth now but i doubt they will get as bushy as other 2 will.
Yeah looks like you nuted them too soon, I would give the, a good flush. :thumbs:
Day 27.

The 2 oldest started choking everyone out of the space so i had to move 2 plants to my father in-laws :D

Smallest one isn't getting too much light but we'll see how it goes any ways.

Had a mishap the other day where i dropped 1 of my nute bottles into the soapy laundry tub so looks like i won't be using the AN products this round :no: