New Grower Should I flower in my Flower tent or Veg tent?

Feb 5, 2015
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Hi guys, I run mainly photoperiods but I am starting to throw some autos into the mix. Right now I have two Candy Kush's from Auto seeds, (via herbies), and they are beginning to flower now. My veg tent is 18/6 with a 400w mh, and my flower tent is 12/12 with 600w hps... Which should do better for the Autos?? I've been keeping them in the veg tent obviously but I'm wondering if I should move them to the flower tent now that they're flowering..? Thanks guys any input is appreciated, especially if you have first-hand experience. "Bailers Booya"
They could go either way? I think the longer light schedule will benefit in size, But a lot of peeps grow auto's on 12/12 I see smaller harvests and dose not do justice as far as potential..... Hope this helps some.
ok so what you're saying is using the 18/6 schedule will maximize my potential?
I would leave them in the veg tent. I run mine 20/4 but a lot of ppl use 18/6 as well.
I use 18/6. I think light schedule is kinda strain dependent. I feel like the one I'm growing right now wouldn't benefit from a longer schedule. Of course that could also be because she's used to 18/6 rather then 20/4. I've seen people grow pretty good under 12/12 even. Just read the description of the strain you select it usually says which schedules are possible and/or what is the best schedule for what you're growing.

heck you can try growing in both tents see what you like most?
20150205_002112.jpgI have had each one in seperate tents (veg and flower) for 1 week now. here is the one thats been in the veg tent