Should I defoliate my autos?

A couple of things affect stretch:
1) Genetics (90%)
2) Weak Lighting (5%)
3) Big swings between day night temps, over 10*F delta (5%)

If you're thinking your light is hung correctly and the plant is getting nice intensity, nothing to worry about.
Take em all off. Lol just kidding. Dont do that!!!!!! But u can take some off for air flow like suggested or for better light to get down to the lowers can be beneficial to make lower buds bigger also. But the leaves can grow right back quick. Lol
HI everyone, as thread title, my babies are 30 days old, the Fat Banana (bigger one) is stretching as much as 1" each 2 days, maybe even more. The quick one is not really stretching, and it's a little droopy,maybe due to a bit of over watering.

Should I defoliate at least the Fat Banana? It has a really crowded canopy, a shit ton of fan leaves. I've read mixed opinions if defoliation is a good thing for autos. Also timing is disputed. Any advice?


Sorry I have no advice,but after reading your post I
decided to hit mine