@bushmasterar15 @Ripper Germination Update:
Amnesia CBD Auto
The first to germ are two of the Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD:
Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD Update Week 2:
Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD; so far these plants are very vigorous. I topped all three of them today. Here is a few pictures. The SS AA CBDs are front center and right two. The others in the group shot are Bubba Trouble.
Week 3 Update:
The SS are center front and right two:
Week 4 Update. These Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD plants are hitting it out of the park so far (front center, right side 2 plants) A real pleasure to grow. They are in pre-flower now so the stretch should begin.
A wide shot with the date:
A cropped shot better showing off the girls:
Week 4 Update.
The Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD is in pre-flower.
Week 5 Update and Battle Plant. All 3 look really good. Short Stuff has this strain stabilized well. They have been a pleasure to grow so far. Ok so I pick the girl on the right front for this battle.
Week 6 Update:
Week 7 Update.
The nutrients and environment same as last week. The Auto Amnesia CBD has just been a no fuss strain to grow. Loves the average nutrient regime and is a very homogeneous strain.
The battle plant:
The other two SS AACBDs:
Week 8 Update
The Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD are beginning to ripen as they are showing a few orange pistils now. Probably 10 days to 2 weeks from harvest. These plants have been super easy to grow. Very tolerant to PH swings although showing a little tip burn as the PH hit 6.3 last week. The plants are 24" to 30" tall with nice bud formation about 8" long. The Bubba Troubles are showing Potassium Deficiency under the same conditions but the buds are huge at 24" and sucking up a lot of P. I have lowered the PH to 5.8 and upped the Bud Explosion to add some more P.
Week 9 Update:
I am bringing the humidity down to ~50% now as the buds are getting more dense.
The girl in the right front is the battle queen!
The room:
Week 10 Update. I wont be long now as the trichomes are all cloudy and a little amber is beginning to show.